Okay, so let's start with the fridge. Every week, I try to make sure I'm loaded with lots of different kinds of fresh vegetables. During the growing season, and I only get local products, but obviously in winter, I must resort to produce at the grocery store. Most of the time, and I make sure I have a lot of vegetables such as squash, onions, asparagus, fresh mushrooms, spinach, broccoli, red pepper, etc. to use in my morning eggs. I also wish to respond to some lean chicken or sausage to Turkey eggs, along with some Jack, Swiss, or goat cheese. Coconut milk is another key in the fridge of my country. I would like to use it for in the mix with the juices, oatmeal, or yogurt to taste, rich and creamy. Not only the coconut milk add a rich, creamy taste of a lot of dishes, but also full of healthy saturated fats. Yes, you heard me ... I said healthy saturated fats! Healthy saturated fats like medium chain triglycerides, specifically called on the MCT lauric acid. If the idea of healthy saturated fats is foreign to you, see the eye-opening article in truthaboutabs.com called "The Truth about saturated fat."
Back to the fridge, and some other staples:
• cheese, ricotta cheese, and yogurt - I would like to mix home or ricotta cheese and yogurt with chopped nuts and berries for a great mid-morning or mid-afternoon meal.
• chopped walnuts, pecans, almonds and macadamias, etc. - Sources for delicious and healthy full of fat.
Flax seeds • Whole - I grind these in a mini coffee grinder and add to milk or power. Always grind them fresh because the omega-3 polyunsaturated fats and is very unstable and prone to oxidation, which is likely to cause inflammation of the free radicals from linen by the earth.
• whole eggs - one of the richest natural sources of food and high protein quality (and remember, and it increases the good cholesterol).
• peanut butter - plain old peanut butter has got a little old for me, so I get to be creative and mix butter, almond butter with sesame seeds, or even cashew butter with macadamia butter nutrition ... Delicious and unbeatable!
• Salsa - I try to get creative and try some exotic varieties of salsas.
• Butter - do not think that the naysayers; butter adds great flavor to anything and can be part of a healthy diet (to maintain only a small amount because it is calorie dense ... and NEVER use margarine, unless you want to assure yourself a heart attack).
• Avocados - love them ... In addition to a great source of healthy fats, fiber and other nutrients. Try to add them to wraps, salads, or sandwiches.
• Whole grain wraps and whole grain bread (look for wraps and bread with at least 3-4 grams of fiber per 20 grams of total carbohydrates).
• Rice bran and wheat germ - these may seem a healthy way so for some, but in fact add a nutty a nice little taste and crunchy yogurt or juice, or can be added when baking muffins or breads to add nutrients and fiber.
• lettuce, spinach, grated carrots - for salads with dinner.
• the authority of homemade sauce - using balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil and Udo oil for the selection of the mix. This is much better than store bought salad dressing which mostly use the soybean oil is extremely refined (the source of inflammation-causing free radicals).
Some basic goods in the refrigerator:
• Frozen fish - I would like to try a few different types of fish each week. There are many out there, and you never have to get bored. Is usually in addition to freezing, the frozen fish directly after consideration, as opposed to fresh fish, which has been in the field of transport and sitting in the markets for several days, allowing it a greater chance to spoil.
• frozen vegetables - again, when the agricultural season is over, and I am no longer able to get fresh produce, local and frozen vegetables are the best option, because they often have a higher content of food compared with fresh products that have been shipped thousands of miles away , and sitting around for weeks before taking to your dinner table.
• Frozen chicken breasts - very convenient for nuclear to get a quick addition to wraps or chicken sandwiches snacks.
• Frozen buffalo, ostrich, venison, and "strange" other lean meats - Yeah, I know ... I'm strange, but I can tell you that these are some of the health of meat around, and if you're serious about a healthy body lean, these types of meat is much better for you than mass produced, hormone injected beef, pork, this is sold in most grocery stores .
Well, now in my cabinets Staples:
• oat bran, oats, steel cut - higher than those fibers little packs of instant oats.
To be transferred to a bowl in the refrigerator after opening - • Cans of coconut milk.
• different types of tea rich in antioxidants - green, Oolong, white, sage are some of the best. Surprisingly, even the tea has been shown chammomile important for providing food and antioxidants trace.
• Stevia - natural sweetener calories, which is an excellent alternative for Synthetic Sweeteners bad chemical Laden such as aspartame, diabetes, and Sucralose.
• organic maple syrup - can not be a high-fructose corn syrup crap Aunt Jemima ... The only real maple syrup real food. The only time I really use this (because of the high sugar load) is added to the post-workout smoothies to sweeten my things and get also increase the insulin to push nutrients to the muscles.
• Raw honey - better than honey ... Processing larger quantities of food and useful enzymes. Honey has even been shown in studies to improve glucose metabolism (how the process carbohydrates). I use a teaspoon or so of tea every morning in my country.
• wheat or whole grain pasta written - much higher fiber than regular pasta
• brown rice and other higher fiber rice - never white rice
• Cans of black or kidney beans - I would like to add a few scoops to my Mexican wraps on a high proportion of fiber and nutrition. Also, beans and surprisingly one of the best sources of antioxidants to encourage young people!
• tomato sauce - delicious, and I'm sure you've heard a million times, a great source of lycopene. Watch out for brands that are loaded with nasty high fructose corn syrup.
• dark chocolate (as dark as possible) - this is one of my treats satisfy my sweet tooth, in addition to the availability of large quantities of antioxidants at the same time. It is still calorically dense, so I keep it on the grounds of just a couple, but this is enough to do the trick, so I do not feel I need to go out and get cake and ice cream dessert to satisfy my urges. Choose dark chocolate that lists it cocoa content of 70% or more. Milk chocolate is usually only about 30% cocoa, dark chocolate, even in the most inexpensive is only about 50% cocoa. Cocoa content is key for the anti-oxidant ... The rest is just sugar and other additives.
Of course, you also can never go wrong with any kind of fresh fruit. Although fruit contains natural sugars, and fiber within most fruits usually slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and sugar in the blood response. Also, you can get the advantage of high antioxidant content and density of the food in most fruits. Some of my favorites, kiwi, pomegranate, mango, papaya, grapes, oranges, fresh pineapple, bananas, apples, pears, peaches, and all kinds of berries.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this special look at the favorite meals of lean body and how I stock my kitchen. Tastes and perhaps quite different from mine, but hopefully this gave you some good ideas that you can use the next time you're in the grocery store looking to store a heap of delicious and healthy groceries.