Transplantation of the person to be around 50% of those using alcohol and some 10% of the transplant recipient habitual drinkers they're a lot. In this case, their screen for a liver transplant candidates understandably receive the greatest benefit from the procedure are likely candidates to organize and have a difficult task to decide. Regardless of the results a lot, if you continue to drink, and organ transplants is an inevitable delay. The problem is not the best candidate is one. In addition, the remaining 50% of transplant patients drug and alcohol abusers can not be.
Alcohol has been selected to receive the liver, there really have to follow the standard treatment, other than abstinence is not. Methadone treatment for drug users can avoid using, I can do. In addition to liver problems, such as tobacco use and dietary habits can be used to determine the success rate is another factor.
If you need a liver transplant, ScienceDaily only 6 percent of all alcoholic and former drug addicts relapse following transplant, the 4% that was reported. This is an encouraging statistic, but it is to abstain from alcohol and drug depend on the willingness of individuals. Who's cheating and unfair, as it will be argued that there are people. However, engaging story figures. If diagnosed early enough, liver disease, drug and alcohol abstinence, and may be the opposite. In this case, the only injustice is that we do ourselves.