This type of cancer attacks the cervix (cervical) which is part of the uterus into the vagina transition therefore also known as cervical cancer. The disease is caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) oncogenic, which attacks the cervix. This type of cancer that attacks the first position of women in Indonesia.
Symptoms of cervical cancer (cervical), depending on the level of the stage. At an early stage (precancerous level), often cause no symptoms at all except for complaints such as menstrual disorders, vaginal discharge, sometimes found any vaginal bleeding outside of menstruation, bleeding pains during intercourse, and the presence of infection in the tract and bladder. At an advanced stage resulting in pelvic pain, bleeding that smells fishy, loss of appetite, weight loss, and anemia because of bleeding.
Trigger Factors of Cervical Cancer
There are several risk factors that can increase the risk of cervical cancer (cervical). The following factors triggering cervical cancer:
1. Sexual intercourse under the age of 20 years
2. Frequent change of sexual partners
3. Frequent childbirth
4. Viral infections (herpes virus and papilloma virus)
5. Smoking - Research has shown that cervical mucus in women smokers contains nicotine and other substances that exist in cigarettes. These substances will reduce cervical resistance
Prevention of Cervical Cancer
There are several precautions to prevent cervical cancer (cervical). Here are preventive measures are:
1. Avoiding sexual intercourse at a young age
2. Do not keep changing sexual partners
3. Maintain cleanliness of your genitals and your partner
4. For women who have sexual intercourse and had given birth to children are encouraged to do once a year pap smear (pap smear: Microscopic examination of cervical tissue to detect cancer cells)
5. Avoid smoking
6. Eat a nutritious and balanced
Cervical Cancer Treatment
The medical treatment of cervical cancer can be done by heating, diathermy or laser for a new experience cell abnormality. If the disease has reached the stage of pre-cancer and cervical cancer have been identified, then there are some things you can do to cure, among others:
1. Cone biopsy, that is by taking a bit of cervical cells, including cells undergoing changes.
2. Operation, namely by taking the cancerous area, usually the uterus and cervix.
3. Radiotherapy is by using high-powered X-rays that can be done internally and externally.
In addition to cancer treatment is medically, there is also a natural cancer drug that can be used in the treatment of cervical cancer. Ants Nest (Myrmecodia pendans) is a plant that originated from Papua, which has traditionally been used by indigenous Papuans to treat a variety of hereditary diseases, including various types of cancer.
And now the results of modern research found that these plants contain active compounds is important as flavonoids, tocopherols, polyphenols, and rich in various minerals that are useful as anti-oxidant and anti-cancer shown to be effective and eliminate various types of tumors both benign or malignant cancer.
Ants Nest ability empirically as cervical cancer drug allegedly related to the content of flavonoids. There are several mechanisms of flavonoid in combating tumors / cancer, for example inactivation of carcinogens, antiproliferasi (inhibits the multiplication of abnormal cells in cancer), inhibition of cell cycle, induction of apoptosis and differentiation, angiogenesis inhibition, and reversal of multi-drug resistance or a combination of mechanisms mechanisms.
Ants Nest also contain tocopherol. Tocopherol vitamin E, which have an effect similar to an effective antioxidant. According to Prof Dr Elin Yulinah Sukandar, Professor of Pharmacy ITB, tocopherol content was quite high. Tocopherol functions as an antioxidant and anticancer and ward off free radical attacks by antidegeneratif. Ants Nest efficacy for the treatment of cervical cancer (cervical) seen in the testimony of a mother in Jayapura, Papua, which named Ms. Rini. Here his words:
I am a mother who was sentenced by a doctor has a cancer of the uterus. However, doctors advised against surgery because of my health condition that has been declining due to age factor. However, on the other side of the doctor also said if allowed to seed the cancer can grow and spread. Doctors also recommend taking the drug only doctor. Therefore less satisfied, I also tried to find alternative cervical cancer treatment to another. On the advice of relatives, I also mengonkonsumsi Ants Nest. Apparently, after 2 months of eating ants nest every day, my cancer was shrinking. In fact, I checked back to the doctor, was incredible, cancer of the uterus had disappeared altogether.
Since its introduction 6 years ago as a medicinal plant, Ants Nest users are increasing rapidly, not confined to Indonesia, but also used in some other countries, like Singapore, Malaysia, Germany, Holland, Britain and the United States. Many positive reports from users Ants Nest has proven itself an amazing efficacy in treating various diseases memautkan such as cancer, tumors, and so forth.