No one denies the sport will make the body healthy. The more often you exercise, actually the more likely we are to avoid chronic disease. If you are concerned about health, start to make time for exercise!
Here are some movements you can do to avoid diseases that can threaten your health:
Heart Disease: a simple movement but routine, for 30 minutes every day to improve the protection of the cardiovascular system of the heart. The recommended exercise is a type of aerobic, jogging, swimming, walking, cycling, or gymnastics a healthy heart.
Warning: If you are not used to exercise regularly or have a risk of heart problems, do not directly perform a physical activity that makes the heart work hard all of a sudden.
Type 2 diabetes (high blood sugar levels): If you have a tendency of this health disorder, preventive measures is a modest increase physical activity becomes more frequent and regular.
Type suggested, among others; brisk walking for an hour or more every day. This exercise also can prevent excessive weight gain, which is one of the factors triggering this type 2 diabetes.
Cancer: Make an energetic movement, such as brisk walking. This energetic movement will keep you from colon cancer. In addition, regular activity can control your weight, so you avoid the obesity which is one of the factors triggering cancer.
According to Professor Gordon McVie of the Cancer Research Campaign at the University of Aberdeen, UK, routine activities, such as housework and gardening can be calculated as a useful exercise to prevent cancer.
Osteoporosis: Physical activity at a young age are strongly advised to avoid interference "thinning" of this bone. Jogging, swimming, and jumping movements are known to train the bone.
Movement - the movement will increase your bone mass to the max. This exercise will maintain bone mass as well as coordination and balance.
Health tips,Skin care,Nail care,Heart health tips, Preventing the aging process,Keeping the hormone metabolism,Eye health,Ear health tips,How to maintain the health of infants,Medical consultation,Treatment of heart disease,etc...

Selasa, 26 April 2011
Prevent Chronic Diseases
Chronic diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular disease, is the leading cause of death in developing countries. Genetic factors, lifestyle, and diet should also be considered as an important risk factor causing the disease. For example, approximately 50% of all cancers are caused by eating the wrong way.
Oxidative cell damage is also expected to participate grasp the role of the cause of these diseases. How to cope? Consuming foods that contain antioxidants believed the experts could be overcome, at least, reduce the risk of the disease. Antioxidants are found in fruits and vegetables and colorful fruits, like tomatoes. This one fruit contains lycopene, carotene pigment known as an antioxidant with huge potential. Several studies have proven the efficacy of this lycopene. For example in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, Sanjiv Agarwal and Rao Venketeshwer Akkinappally, some time ago mentioned that a diet containing high lycopene as a protective influence positively the body from chronic diseases.
This is obviously very encouraging. Because the fruit and vegetables are now being intensively-incessant recommended as healthy eating, plus it turned out to be beneficial as a protection from disease that is now being feared. But both these experts also suggest further research. "Like how the right dose of lycopene as a protection from these chronic diseases. Or how much better if only used as a healthy food,
Oxidative cell damage is also expected to participate grasp the role of the cause of these diseases. How to cope? Consuming foods that contain antioxidants believed the experts could be overcome, at least, reduce the risk of the disease. Antioxidants are found in fruits and vegetables and colorful fruits, like tomatoes. This one fruit contains lycopene, carotene pigment known as an antioxidant with huge potential. Several studies have proven the efficacy of this lycopene. For example in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, Sanjiv Agarwal and Rao Venketeshwer Akkinappally, some time ago mentioned that a diet containing high lycopene as a protective influence positively the body from chronic diseases.
This is obviously very encouraging. Because the fruit and vegetables are now being intensively-incessant recommended as healthy eating, plus it turned out to be beneficial as a protection from disease that is now being feared. But both these experts also suggest further research. "Like how the right dose of lycopene as a protection from these chronic diseases. Or how much better if only used as a healthy food,
Senin, 11 April 2011
How to Prevent Diabetes With Healthy Eating
Modern lifestyle, who can mengelakkannya. This lifestyle has become a trend in many remote areas. Moreover, added the number of technologies and facilities that ease our lives. Of course this is a convenience package today. However, beneath it all, this lifestyle can lead to dangerous diseases. Look at how we run the activities of super-dense, low physical activity, and diet with excessive carbohydrate intake. This is the impact of modern lifestyle in which we live.
Prevalence of Diabetes Patients
One disease that is closely related to unhealthy lifestyle is a diabetic. Based on data from World Health Organization (WHO), more than 220 million people worldwide have diabetes. even 90 percent of patients with diabetes type two (diabetisi), the world's many problems related to excess weight and lack of physical activity.
Still from the WHO data, nearly 50 percent of cases of deaths due to diabetes occur below the age of 70 years, 55 percent of them occurred in women. In fact, the WHO predicts that the number of cases of death from diabetes will increase two times in the range of 2005 to 2030.
Meanwhile, the prevalence of diabetes sufferers in Indonesia has shown an increasing trend. An estimated 11.98 million people become diabetic. Additionally, estimates that about 50 percent PERSADIA diabetisi not yet diagnosed. This needs the attention and consciousness together.
Cause Diabetes
Risk factors for diabetes more common in families with a history of diabetes. On the other hand, excess weight (body mass index over 23 kg/m2), less physical activity, hypertension, or high-sugar diet low in fiber. For a less healthy consumption patterns, ie, with excess carbohydrate, also could be the cause. The Indonesian people commonly consumed carbohydrate foods.
We will feel safe to eat rice with potatoes or noodles as lauknya so early satiety. And indeed both the food equally so that the intake of carbohydrates and carbohydrates to be excessive. In addition, the habit of some communities in Indonesia who ate sugar contributed to the situation. In the morning drink a glass of sweet tea, lunch and afternoon rather drink a glass of sweet coffee. Then, after lunch, sweet pudding, and when a guest were treated to a glass of sweet syrup. If all of that is consumed in a day, so much consumption of sugar that could endanger health.
Healthy Eating
Changes in lifestyle towards a healthier can be done through increased physical activity through exercise and diet by reducing carbohydrate intake and maintain ideal weight. Therefore, we certainly need to be very clever to choose the type of carbohydrate also for the amount. Avoid excessive consumption of simple carbohydrates. For example, sugar, honey, syrup, jam, soft drinks and sweet snacks. For the intake of sugar, preferably not more than five percent of total daily calories.
Instead, multiply the consumption of complex carbohydrates such as grains, tubers, sago, fiber, and naturally there is sugar from fruit, vegetables, and milk. The principle is recommended that the diabetisi mengasup nutrients carbohydrates, fats, and proteins as much as 45-65 per cent respectively, 20-25 percent and 10-20 percent of total calories in food a day.
To measure the amount of carbohydrate intake, you can use the Idaho Plate Method or Zimbabwe Handjiwe recognized health experts. Another ideal way is to use food products are mentioned clearly the amount and type of nutrients contained in it.
Thus, how to prevent diabetes with healthy diet, do not have to be expensive. Actually, to be introspective carbohydrate consumption and regular exercise is enough to fight diabetes.
Prevalence of Diabetes Patients
One disease that is closely related to unhealthy lifestyle is a diabetic. Based on data from World Health Organization (WHO), more than 220 million people worldwide have diabetes. even 90 percent of patients with diabetes type two (diabetisi), the world's many problems related to excess weight and lack of physical activity.
Still from the WHO data, nearly 50 percent of cases of deaths due to diabetes occur below the age of 70 years, 55 percent of them occurred in women. In fact, the WHO predicts that the number of cases of death from diabetes will increase two times in the range of 2005 to 2030.
Meanwhile, the prevalence of diabetes sufferers in Indonesia has shown an increasing trend. An estimated 11.98 million people become diabetic. Additionally, estimates that about 50 percent PERSADIA diabetisi not yet diagnosed. This needs the attention and consciousness together.
Cause Diabetes
Risk factors for diabetes more common in families with a history of diabetes. On the other hand, excess weight (body mass index over 23 kg/m2), less physical activity, hypertension, or high-sugar diet low in fiber. For a less healthy consumption patterns, ie, with excess carbohydrate, also could be the cause. The Indonesian people commonly consumed carbohydrate foods.
We will feel safe to eat rice with potatoes or noodles as lauknya so early satiety. And indeed both the food equally so that the intake of carbohydrates and carbohydrates to be excessive. In addition, the habit of some communities in Indonesia who ate sugar contributed to the situation. In the morning drink a glass of sweet tea, lunch and afternoon rather drink a glass of sweet coffee. Then, after lunch, sweet pudding, and when a guest were treated to a glass of sweet syrup. If all of that is consumed in a day, so much consumption of sugar that could endanger health.
Healthy Eating
Changes in lifestyle towards a healthier can be done through increased physical activity through exercise and diet by reducing carbohydrate intake and maintain ideal weight. Therefore, we certainly need to be very clever to choose the type of carbohydrate also for the amount. Avoid excessive consumption of simple carbohydrates. For example, sugar, honey, syrup, jam, soft drinks and sweet snacks. For the intake of sugar, preferably not more than five percent of total daily calories.
Instead, multiply the consumption of complex carbohydrates such as grains, tubers, sago, fiber, and naturally there is sugar from fruit, vegetables, and milk. The principle is recommended that the diabetisi mengasup nutrients carbohydrates, fats, and proteins as much as 45-65 per cent respectively, 20-25 percent and 10-20 percent of total calories in food a day.
To measure the amount of carbohydrate intake, you can use the Idaho Plate Method or Zimbabwe Handjiwe recognized health experts. Another ideal way is to use food products are mentioned clearly the amount and type of nutrients contained in it.
Thus, how to prevent diabetes with healthy diet, do not have to be expensive. Actually, to be introspective carbohydrate consumption and regular exercise is enough to fight diabetes.
Characteristics of Women at Risk Heart Hospital
NOT just men, women must begin now also more aware of heart disease by knowing what factors could be at risk. For example in America, the heart is now the leading cause of death in women. So the scientists also recommends that every woman know whether they are also at risk.
Here are some factors that could make you at risk of suffering from heart disease, as quoted from By know, you can immediately take steps to prevent early as possible.
You are at high risk if:
1. Coronary artery disease (stents, bypass surgery, and heart attack)
2. Experiencing a stroke or carotid (neck) artery disease
3. Blocked arteries in your legs
4. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Experiencing the weakened artery in the abdomen
5. Chronic kidney disease
6. Diabetes
Your risk of heart disease if:
1. Smoker
2. Lack of movement
3. Overweight or obese
4. Having a family history of heart disease (father with heart disease less than 65 years of age or women with heart disease less than 55 years)
5. High blood pressure (over 130/85 mmHg)
6. High cholesterol (more than 200 mg / dL, HDL (good cholesterol) of less than 50 mg / dL)
7. Suffering from lupus or rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disease)
8. Metabolic syndrome
9. Experienced complications during pregnancy such as diabetes-related complications of pregnancy, eclampsia or preeclampsia (hypertension associated with pregnancy).
This is also the first time there is the recommendation of high blood pressure related to pregnancy or diabetes as a risk factor for heart disease later in life even after pregnancy condition no longer need to be treated. A recent analysis also showed that women with these conditions double the risk of coronary artery disease (blockages in the arteries of the heart) and strokes in the next 5 to 15 years after pregnancy, as quoted by the British Medical Journal in 2007.
Autoimmune disease is now also being considered as a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. All risk factors should be optimized if you have lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.
Therefore, optimizing your health today. However, it is better to prevent than cure!
Here are some factors that could make you at risk of suffering from heart disease, as quoted from By know, you can immediately take steps to prevent early as possible.
You are at high risk if:
1. Coronary artery disease (stents, bypass surgery, and heart attack)
2. Experiencing a stroke or carotid (neck) artery disease
3. Blocked arteries in your legs
4. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Experiencing the weakened artery in the abdomen
5. Chronic kidney disease
6. Diabetes
Your risk of heart disease if:
1. Smoker
2. Lack of movement
3. Overweight or obese
4. Having a family history of heart disease (father with heart disease less than 65 years of age or women with heart disease less than 55 years)
5. High blood pressure (over 130/85 mmHg)
6. High cholesterol (more than 200 mg / dL, HDL (good cholesterol) of less than 50 mg / dL)
7. Suffering from lupus or rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disease)
8. Metabolic syndrome
9. Experienced complications during pregnancy such as diabetes-related complications of pregnancy, eclampsia or preeclampsia (hypertension associated with pregnancy).
This is also the first time there is the recommendation of high blood pressure related to pregnancy or diabetes as a risk factor for heart disease later in life even after pregnancy condition no longer need to be treated. A recent analysis also showed that women with these conditions double the risk of coronary artery disease (blockages in the arteries of the heart) and strokes in the next 5 to 15 years after pregnancy, as quoted by the British Medical Journal in 2007.
Autoimmune disease is now also being considered as a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. All risk factors should be optimized if you have lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.
Therefore, optimizing your health today. However, it is better to prevent than cure!
Jumat, 08 April 2011
Fast Food That Makes You Old
Who is not tempted by the delicious fried sausage, potato chips, pastries, steak or soft drinks like soda and cola. All of these foods can indeed give you the sensation and pleasure.
But try to start to think twice to not eat these foods too often. According to nutrition experts, the type of food as it can accelerate the aging process.
The reason, most of the food contains fat and sugar content is very high, which would give unfavorable impact tehadap body.
Here are seven types of food / drink according to a nutritionist to make you older faster:
1. Carbonated Drinks
These drinks have high sugar content and low in nutrients. Sugar in these drinks can also lead to obesity, thus increasing the risk of hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
Research on nutrition conducted by experts at the Harvard School of Public Health found a can of carbonated drinks every day can cause a person to gain weight 7 kg a year.
2. Sausage
The one ni was very tasty, but unfortunately, according to new research in Europe these foods may trigger colorectal cancer risk. The culprit is the N-nitroso substances which are carcinogenic. This substance is formed when nitrite is mixed with additional ingredients of processed meat.
In addition, the sausage is usually made from lean meat. Chemicals and other additives in organ liver sausage can make someone work harder to neutralize it.
3. Coffee
Coffee contains caffeine. The important thing is not many people know about caffeine is the substance proved to increase stress hormones, and its effect can last for hours after consumption.
In fact, one of the greatest contributions of premature aging is a stress hormone called cortisol ang. Cortisol levels that rebound makes the muscles become fatigued, so that makes it a fast shrinking.
4. Chips and French Fries
Food is processed by frying at very high temperatures, thus triggering the formation of trans-fat-fat kind. Habit of eating foods containing trans-fat is associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease.
5. Sugary pastry
These foods contain lots of sugar that can lead to obesity. Pastry is also often made with hydrogenated oils that contain trans-fat.
Hydrogenated oil is made by adding hydrogen to liquid oils to make it more compact and easier to be stored. However, this chemical process also produces trans-fat. Examples of this process that hydrogenated fats are margarine or butter.
Trans-fat increases the risk of heart disease more than saturated fats, because it can suppress good cholesterol (LDL) and increase bad cholesterol (HDL) in blood circulation. In addition, the combination of sugar and trans-fat will make the pancreas and liver work harder.
According to the views of experts, forcing the organs work harder just means inviting free radicals. If the anti-aging food intake is insufficient to fight free radicals, meaning that the body may age more quickly and more susceptible to disease.
6. Red meat
Red meat does contain proteins that are important for tissue repair. However, eating too much animal protein can also trigger the loss of calcium from bone, thus inviting the risk of osteoporosis. Some research suggests that high protein intake in middle age poliartritis associated with inflammation, in which inflammation occurs in more than one type of joint.
7. White rice and white bread
These foods contain little fiber, so into the category of foods with high glycemic index. Such foods digested and absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly, thus making sugar levels soaring in no time.
This also will make the cell change and ripen more quickly thus increasing the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, gall bladder, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and some cancers. Other foods with high glkemik index is mashed potatoes, wheat, processed and sugary cereals.
But try to start to think twice to not eat these foods too often. According to nutrition experts, the type of food as it can accelerate the aging process.
The reason, most of the food contains fat and sugar content is very high, which would give unfavorable impact tehadap body.
Here are seven types of food / drink according to a nutritionist to make you older faster:
1. Carbonated Drinks
These drinks have high sugar content and low in nutrients. Sugar in these drinks can also lead to obesity, thus increasing the risk of hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
Research on nutrition conducted by experts at the Harvard School of Public Health found a can of carbonated drinks every day can cause a person to gain weight 7 kg a year.
2. Sausage
The one ni was very tasty, but unfortunately, according to new research in Europe these foods may trigger colorectal cancer risk. The culprit is the N-nitroso substances which are carcinogenic. This substance is formed when nitrite is mixed with additional ingredients of processed meat.
In addition, the sausage is usually made from lean meat. Chemicals and other additives in organ liver sausage can make someone work harder to neutralize it.
3. Coffee
Coffee contains caffeine. The important thing is not many people know about caffeine is the substance proved to increase stress hormones, and its effect can last for hours after consumption.
In fact, one of the greatest contributions of premature aging is a stress hormone called cortisol ang. Cortisol levels that rebound makes the muscles become fatigued, so that makes it a fast shrinking.
4. Chips and French Fries
Food is processed by frying at very high temperatures, thus triggering the formation of trans-fat-fat kind. Habit of eating foods containing trans-fat is associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease.
5. Sugary pastry
These foods contain lots of sugar that can lead to obesity. Pastry is also often made with hydrogenated oils that contain trans-fat.
Hydrogenated oil is made by adding hydrogen to liquid oils to make it more compact and easier to be stored. However, this chemical process also produces trans-fat. Examples of this process that hydrogenated fats are margarine or butter.
Trans-fat increases the risk of heart disease more than saturated fats, because it can suppress good cholesterol (LDL) and increase bad cholesterol (HDL) in blood circulation. In addition, the combination of sugar and trans-fat will make the pancreas and liver work harder.
According to the views of experts, forcing the organs work harder just means inviting free radicals. If the anti-aging food intake is insufficient to fight free radicals, meaning that the body may age more quickly and more susceptible to disease.
6. Red meat
Red meat does contain proteins that are important for tissue repair. However, eating too much animal protein can also trigger the loss of calcium from bone, thus inviting the risk of osteoporosis. Some research suggests that high protein intake in middle age poliartritis associated with inflammation, in which inflammation occurs in more than one type of joint.
7. White rice and white bread
These foods contain little fiber, so into the category of foods with high glycemic index. Such foods digested and absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly, thus making sugar levels soaring in no time.
This also will make the cell change and ripen more quickly thus increasing the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, gall bladder, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and some cancers. Other foods with high glkemik index is mashed potatoes, wheat, processed and sugary cereals.
How to Maintain Spine Health
One body part that is often overlooked is the backbone of his health. In fact, in this section there are all the nerves that connect the central parts of the body with the brain. Do you realize that every activity and any activity that can hurt our spine? Conducting activities to keep the spine still nice not only useful for the goodness and health, but also to maintain an upright posture and healthy. want to know tips for caring for and maintaining spine?. immediately wrote in reading below.
Here are tips to maintain the posture to keep the spine:
1. When will lift the goods or the baby from the floor, bend your knees, do not bend. When you bend and lift heavy items from the floor, it can hurt and burden the spine with the heaviest burden. One-one, even cramps or dislocation can occur. When will lift heavy items from the floor, try to keep the spine straight. Bend your legs to align themselves with the goods. Lift the goods are close to the body, then slowly stand up again.
2. Similarly, when you will put heavy items into place high above your head, try not to lift the item higher than your shoulders. If you will store heavy items on high, use a ladder or chair. Lifting heavy weights above your shoulder line of the spine can cause enormous pressure.
3. Change positions often as possible if you have to stand in a long time. For example, when you stand up while ironing clothes, use a small stool or chair to put your feet alternately. This is necessary to balance and replace the pedestal weight. Stand up straight, do not bend with the head upright.
4. Walk straight, with head looking forward and back straight. Walk with erect posture, forward looking, and the ends of the feet pointing straight ahead. Use comfortable shoes and have the right thin. Avoid standing in the same position for long periods. Do not walk bent, avoid using high heels in a long time.
5. When in the car, sit up straight, promote rider seating for your feet closer to the pedal. Keep your knees aligned with hips. Chock lower back with a towel roll or advocate specific spine. Do not sit too far from the steering wheel. Watch your feet when stepping on the pedal. If too far, hold, because when the leg muscles suddenly stretch without warming can cause cramps and pressure on the spine.
6. While sitting at the computer or in front of the television which usually lasts a long time, make sure your thighs parallel to the floor, not to bend the legs too high (that means your knees are higher than the thigh) or your legs dangling far from the floor. Let the palms of your feet flat on the floor and your back is getting support from the back seat. For more safe, give a rolled towel in the lower back. Make sure you look straight ahead, not down or look up. An uncomfortable position for long periods can cause muscle cramps.
7. During sleep, humans do have the habit and comfort positions respectively. However, to keep the backbone fixed properly, make sure the bed is hard and flat. When sleep on his side, bend your knees slightly, keep your knees are stacked. If you sleep on your back, give a small pillow under your knees. Avoid sleeping on your stomach, because it could hurt your spine. Avoid sleeping on the media are too soft, like a sofa, because it could not support the spine.
Here are tips to maintain the posture to keep the spine:
1. When will lift the goods or the baby from the floor, bend your knees, do not bend. When you bend and lift heavy items from the floor, it can hurt and burden the spine with the heaviest burden. One-one, even cramps or dislocation can occur. When will lift heavy items from the floor, try to keep the spine straight. Bend your legs to align themselves with the goods. Lift the goods are close to the body, then slowly stand up again.
2. Similarly, when you will put heavy items into place high above your head, try not to lift the item higher than your shoulders. If you will store heavy items on high, use a ladder or chair. Lifting heavy weights above your shoulder line of the spine can cause enormous pressure.
3. Change positions often as possible if you have to stand in a long time. For example, when you stand up while ironing clothes, use a small stool or chair to put your feet alternately. This is necessary to balance and replace the pedestal weight. Stand up straight, do not bend with the head upright.
4. Walk straight, with head looking forward and back straight. Walk with erect posture, forward looking, and the ends of the feet pointing straight ahead. Use comfortable shoes and have the right thin. Avoid standing in the same position for long periods. Do not walk bent, avoid using high heels in a long time.
5. When in the car, sit up straight, promote rider seating for your feet closer to the pedal. Keep your knees aligned with hips. Chock lower back with a towel roll or advocate specific spine. Do not sit too far from the steering wheel. Watch your feet when stepping on the pedal. If too far, hold, because when the leg muscles suddenly stretch without warming can cause cramps and pressure on the spine.
6. While sitting at the computer or in front of the television which usually lasts a long time, make sure your thighs parallel to the floor, not to bend the legs too high (that means your knees are higher than the thigh) or your legs dangling far from the floor. Let the palms of your feet flat on the floor and your back is getting support from the back seat. For more safe, give a rolled towel in the lower back. Make sure you look straight ahead, not down or look up. An uncomfortable position for long periods can cause muscle cramps.
7. During sleep, humans do have the habit and comfort positions respectively. However, to keep the backbone fixed properly, make sure the bed is hard and flat. When sleep on his side, bend your knees slightly, keep your knees are stacked. If you sleep on your back, give a small pillow under your knees. Avoid sleeping on your stomach, because it could hurt your spine. Avoid sleeping on the media are too soft, like a sofa, because it could not support the spine.
Eating Tips Make Little Red Rice
This type of rice that is served to children can make big changes to the nutritional value of food. Moreover, the process of changing the brown rice into white rice can eliminate the vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Well, replace white rice with brown rice can significantly increase the intake as well as, vitamin B1, and minerals (magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and manganese), the little guy. Here are some of the benefits of brown rice for the health of your child:
1. Sleeping Beauty too. Preparing for the little brown rice at dinner can make them sleep more soundly. Starch in brown rice help to increase serotonin in the brain, which controls sleep. Also, brown rice has a glycemic index lower than white rice, so that blood sugar levels may take longer stable. As a result, the child will not wake up at night because of hunger, especially if he ate the night early. In addition, red rice is also able to relax muscles and reduce stress.
2. Prevent Constipation. Brown rice contain fiber that can not dissolve in water and can prevent constipation. Constipation is often experienced by children who are still rather small, because they often forget to drink and are reluctant to eat foods that contain fiber. Brown rice fiber will absorb water, thereby increasing the amount of dirt and make it softer. Then, replace white rice to brown rice also means that your child should drink even more, because brown rice is more 'solid' than the white rice.
3. Prevent or Relieve Asthma Symptoms. Magnesium can help prevent or relieve symptoms of asthma. Several studies show that people with asthma do not consume lots of magnesium, the mineral that works miraculously can loosen the muscles of the airways in the lungs.
1. Sleeping Beauty too. Preparing for the little brown rice at dinner can make them sleep more soundly. Starch in brown rice help to increase serotonin in the brain, which controls sleep. Also, brown rice has a glycemic index lower than white rice, so that blood sugar levels may take longer stable. As a result, the child will not wake up at night because of hunger, especially if he ate the night early. In addition, red rice is also able to relax muscles and reduce stress.
2. Prevent Constipation. Brown rice contain fiber that can not dissolve in water and can prevent constipation. Constipation is often experienced by children who are still rather small, because they often forget to drink and are reluctant to eat foods that contain fiber. Brown rice fiber will absorb water, thereby increasing the amount of dirt and make it softer. Then, replace white rice to brown rice also means that your child should drink even more, because brown rice is more 'solid' than the white rice.
3. Prevent or Relieve Asthma Symptoms. Magnesium can help prevent or relieve symptoms of asthma. Several studies show that people with asthma do not consume lots of magnesium, the mineral that works miraculously can loosen the muscles of the airways in the lungs.
Tips to Know Hidden Benefits of Pods
Skin not only beautify the appearance of the fruit but also rich in nutrients. Did you know that Menyeantap fruit with the skin can menghidarkan you from the problem of wrinkles and skin cancer risk? How do you eat fruit habit, eat only meat or eating meat with the skin? There's nothing wrong with your eating habits your fruit. For some people, taste, fruit palinglesat is located on the soft flesh, sweet and juicy. Rarely do people who eat the skin. Yet according to Susan Percival, Ph.D., a nutrition scientist at the University of Florida, several types of antioxidants that are very useful for health actually 'hidden' in the fruit skin. Here are 5 rind which contains very useful for your health (more than content in pulp):
The meat of this fruit contain high antioxidant, mineral and vitamin C. Given the rough orange peel, if you need mengonsumisnya too? Yup! Because the outer skin layer of this fruit contain d-limonane, enemy number one ultraviolet light. Results of research conducted in Arizona mention eating a tablespoon of orange peel tek spoon every week can reduce the risk of skin cancer by 30%. No kidding it usefulness. You do not need to eat the skin as the main menu. Rather than push yourself that hard bite of orange peel and sour taste, it's better to be smooth orange peel slices, then sprinkle into your salmon fillets. Or enter it into a salad of orange slices
Imported fruit is also popular because it proved to have high efficacy for health. The advantage of this fruit is the best nutrient density compared to other fruits. That is the result of research by Dr. Paul La Chence published by the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Mengeandung amino acid arginine is efficacious to lower blood pressure. In addition to the high content of meat, fruit peel it proved successful dispel E.coli bacteria, the cause of stomach disorders. Kiwi fruit skin like caterpillars do not have appetite to eat to make you whole. You can work around this by making a smoothie. Or thin slices and mix into the slad. Or, select a super kiwi who have thinner hair.
Fruit is often found in the market contain linoleic acid which is very good as anticancer. Rind is also very good for beauty. Because, cucumber skin is made of silica, a mineral that the body needs to form new collagen, collagen skin to combat wrinkles and skin thickening. Some people advise you to consume at least 5 mg of silica per day, equivalent to one fruit or cucumbers with the skin. It is better you choose organic Cucumber. Because, cucumbers sold in the market are usually given a wax coating to enhance appearance and more durable. Views organic fruit is less pretty, but do not contain additives, making it more healthy.
Native Indonesian cuisine use a lot of eggplant. Did you know, the skin contained 300 mg nasunin eggplant-type of antioxidant that is useful to menceah damage brain cells. Also contains more than 200 mg of potassium which is useful for preventing cramps oot, 13 mg of magnesium that is useful to build the immune system, and 3 mg of fiber a powerful help to shrink the stomach is thick. You can eat eggplant for more comfortable, you could eat eggplant parmesan. After mixed with low fat cheese and sauce, of course his skin is not too bitter. The key, immediately after the meal is served, because if left in place the eggplant skin will feel increasingly bitter.
Very many fans of this fruit. There are various types and colors of apples. Have a distinctive taste. In one apple, many compounds that are highly nutritious for the body, namely vitamins, minerals, and other elements such as fitokimian, tannin, baron, tartar and other acids. If you've been eating apples just the meat alone, this time make it a habit to eat with the skin. Therefore, the research conducted at Carnell University showed that the skin of an apple contains phytochemicals - substances antidote to cancer, 87% more than the white flesh and sweet.
- 1. Orange skin.
The meat of this fruit contain high antioxidant, mineral and vitamin C. Given the rough orange peel, if you need mengonsumisnya too? Yup! Because the outer skin layer of this fruit contain d-limonane, enemy number one ultraviolet light. Results of research conducted in Arizona mention eating a tablespoon of orange peel tek spoon every week can reduce the risk of skin cancer by 30%. No kidding it usefulness. You do not need to eat the skin as the main menu. Rather than push yourself that hard bite of orange peel and sour taste, it's better to be smooth orange peel slices, then sprinkle into your salmon fillets. Or enter it into a salad of orange slices
- 2. Skin the Kiwi.
Imported fruit is also popular because it proved to have high efficacy for health. The advantage of this fruit is the best nutrient density compared to other fruits. That is the result of research by Dr. Paul La Chence published by the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Mengeandung amino acid arginine is efficacious to lower blood pressure. In addition to the high content of meat, fruit peel it proved successful dispel E.coli bacteria, the cause of stomach disorders. Kiwi fruit skin like caterpillars do not have appetite to eat to make you whole. You can work around this by making a smoothie. Or thin slices and mix into the slad. Or, select a super kiwi who have thinner hair.
- 3. Cucumber skin.
Fruit is often found in the market contain linoleic acid which is very good as anticancer. Rind is also very good for beauty. Because, cucumber skin is made of silica, a mineral that the body needs to form new collagen, collagen skin to combat wrinkles and skin thickening. Some people advise you to consume at least 5 mg of silica per day, equivalent to one fruit or cucumbers with the skin. It is better you choose organic Cucumber. Because, cucumbers sold in the market are usually given a wax coating to enhance appearance and more durable. Views organic fruit is less pretty, but do not contain additives, making it more healthy.
- 4. Eggplant skin.
Native Indonesian cuisine use a lot of eggplant. Did you know, the skin contained 300 mg nasunin eggplant-type of antioxidant that is useful to menceah damage brain cells. Also contains more than 200 mg of potassium which is useful for preventing cramps oot, 13 mg of magnesium that is useful to build the immune system, and 3 mg of fiber a powerful help to shrink the stomach is thick. You can eat eggplant for more comfortable, you could eat eggplant parmesan. After mixed with low fat cheese and sauce, of course his skin is not too bitter. The key, immediately after the meal is served, because if left in place the eggplant skin will feel increasingly bitter.
- 5. Apple skin.
Very many fans of this fruit. There are various types and colors of apples. Have a distinctive taste. In one apple, many compounds that are highly nutritious for the body, namely vitamins, minerals, and other elements such as fitokimian, tannin, baron, tartar and other acids. If you've been eating apples just the meat alone, this time make it a habit to eat with the skin. Therefore, the research conducted at Carnell University showed that the skin of an apple contains phytochemicals - substances antidote to cancer, 87% more than the white flesh and sweet.
Tips for Keeping Safe Area Health Women's Intim
A healthy vagina is a vagina without complaint - no itching, no tarnish, no inflammation / irritation and vaginal discharge. But sometimes women have a habit that would make Miss V neglected his health. Here are tips to keep safe and intimate areas of health care for women:
Tips for Keeping Safe Area Health Women's Intim
1. In order not to trigger the moisture in the vaginal area and surrounding area, choose cotton underwear from a rather loose. Also avoid the use of stockings with the model to close the ass. Because this model will lead to moisture stockings. Use a model that only up ass stockings as his successor.
2. Replace panty liners every 2 hours. If the vaginal fluid would not contact with the skin around the area intimately. This is even more important if you are a woman with high activity. Usually the fluid will diproduksiberbanding you straight to the high activity.
3. Try carrying a bottle of water when you urinate in public toilets to be clean miss V with water. Then dry your meeting with fibrous tissue.
4. You are not very recommended to use soap or a special cleaning fluid vagina too often. When bathing in the morning, afternoon or evening, then you may cleanse the vagina with soap or a special liquid. Remember, inside your vagina, there is a normal bacteria that act as a bastion of the vagina, so if the normal germs that come off the evil germs will be free to move. Do the cleaning process is the right way, by the way, squatting, rather than standing. Due to squat all the liquid or the remnants of whiteness will come out.
5. Consumption of fruits and vegetables. Both are influential for the health of all your intimate area.
6. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Water entering in large amounts will make you urinate. It is good to 'flush' the urinary tract.
7. Miss V keiasaan Avoid scratching the itch because whiteness. If the wound, then it will be more humid areas. so that the germs would love to nest there.
8. Cukum take vitamins, minerals and zinc. Healing wounds or abrasions on Miss V will be greatly assisted by zinc.
9. We recommend that you consult a doctor quickly if there is an abnormal vaginal discharge, can be identified from the quantity, color and odor-Do not put it off. Moreover, if the area is injured, because germs would love nest there.
Tips for Keeping Safe Area Health Women's Intim
1. In order not to trigger the moisture in the vaginal area and surrounding area, choose cotton underwear from a rather loose. Also avoid the use of stockings with the model to close the ass. Because this model will lead to moisture stockings. Use a model that only up ass stockings as his successor.
2. Replace panty liners every 2 hours. If the vaginal fluid would not contact with the skin around the area intimately. This is even more important if you are a woman with high activity. Usually the fluid will diproduksiberbanding you straight to the high activity.
3. Try carrying a bottle of water when you urinate in public toilets to be clean miss V with water. Then dry your meeting with fibrous tissue.
4. You are not very recommended to use soap or a special cleaning fluid vagina too often. When bathing in the morning, afternoon or evening, then you may cleanse the vagina with soap or a special liquid. Remember, inside your vagina, there is a normal bacteria that act as a bastion of the vagina, so if the normal germs that come off the evil germs will be free to move. Do the cleaning process is the right way, by the way, squatting, rather than standing. Due to squat all the liquid or the remnants of whiteness will come out.
5. Consumption of fruits and vegetables. Both are influential for the health of all your intimate area.
6. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Water entering in large amounts will make you urinate. It is good to 'flush' the urinary tract.
7. Miss V keiasaan Avoid scratching the itch because whiteness. If the wound, then it will be more humid areas. so that the germs would love to nest there.
8. Cukum take vitamins, minerals and zinc. Healing wounds or abrasions on Miss V will be greatly assisted by zinc.
9. We recommend that you consult a doctor quickly if there is an abnormal vaginal discharge, can be identified from the quantity, color and odor-Do not put it off. Moreover, if the area is injured, because germs would love nest there.
Tips on Maintaining Healthy Human Brain
Did you know The human brain consists of more than 100 billion nerve, each associated with 10 thousand other nerve. Imagine, with the complexity of the brain like that, then you must love your brain enough to avoid bad habits that are often overlooked.
The brain is a vital organ which is the controlling center of the central nervous system. Brain organize and coordinated most of the movement, behavior and homeostatic body functions such as heartbeat, blood pressure, body fluid balance and body temperature.
The brain is also responsible for functions such as recognition, emotion. memory, motor learning and all forms of learning lainnya.Sungguh a very complex task and many. So, avoid bad habits below if you still want your brain to work properly.
1. Do not want breakfast
Many people underestimate the breakfast, but do not consume food in the morning caused a decline in blood sugar levels. This resulted in a lack of input of nutrients to the brain which finally ended in degeneration of the brain.
2. Most meals
Too much food harden the brain arteries that usually lead to the decline in mental powers.
Smoking was very horrific result of our brain. Imagine, our brains may shrink and eventually loses its functions. No doubt we are prone to Alzheimer's at a time when old.
4. Consuming too much sugar
Too much intake of sugar will inhibit the absorption of protein and nutrients that the body's nutritional deficiencies and impaired brain development.
5. Air Pollution
The brain is the body that absorbs the most air. Too long in the environment with air pollution makes the brain works inefficiently.
6. Lack of sleep.
Sleep gives the brain a chance to rest. Often neglect sleep makes the brain cells actually die of fatigue.
7. Head covered while sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered is a bad habit that is very dangerous because the carbon dioxide produced during sleep the brain is concentrated so polluted. Do not be surprised if over time the brain becomes damaged.
8. Thinking too hard when you're sick
Working hard or studying when the body is not fit also exacerbates the ineffectiveness of the brain.
9. Lack of brain stimulation
Thinking is the best way to train the brain. Less to think it makes the brain shrink and ultimately does not work optimally.
10. Rarely speak
Intellectual conversations usually bring a good effect on the brain
The brain is a vital organ which is the controlling center of the central nervous system. Brain organize and coordinated most of the movement, behavior and homeostatic body functions such as heartbeat, blood pressure, body fluid balance and body temperature.
The brain is also responsible for functions such as recognition, emotion. memory, motor learning and all forms of learning lainnya.Sungguh a very complex task and many. So, avoid bad habits below if you still want your brain to work properly.
1. Do not want breakfast
Many people underestimate the breakfast, but do not consume food in the morning caused a decline in blood sugar levels. This resulted in a lack of input of nutrients to the brain which finally ended in degeneration of the brain.
2. Most meals
Too much food harden the brain arteries that usually lead to the decline in mental powers.
Smoking was very horrific result of our brain. Imagine, our brains may shrink and eventually loses its functions. No doubt we are prone to Alzheimer's at a time when old.
4. Consuming too much sugar
Too much intake of sugar will inhibit the absorption of protein and nutrients that the body's nutritional deficiencies and impaired brain development.
5. Air Pollution
The brain is the body that absorbs the most air. Too long in the environment with air pollution makes the brain works inefficiently.
6. Lack of sleep.
Sleep gives the brain a chance to rest. Often neglect sleep makes the brain cells actually die of fatigue.
7. Head covered while sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered is a bad habit that is very dangerous because the carbon dioxide produced during sleep the brain is concentrated so polluted. Do not be surprised if over time the brain becomes damaged.
8. Thinking too hard when you're sick
Working hard or studying when the body is not fit also exacerbates the ineffectiveness of the brain.
9. Lack of brain stimulation
Thinking is the best way to train the brain. Less to think it makes the brain shrink and ultimately does not work optimally.
10. Rarely speak
Intellectual conversations usually bring a good effect on the brain
Tips for Maintaining Healthy Eyes While Working In Front Of Monitor
Computers and other equipment, such as monitors, have become common in every office job. It is not strange if many people have to work in front of the monitor all day. At first we might be a little worried about the influence of computers and monitors radiation emitted light can disrupt the body's health, especially the eyes. However, the experts never give in to create equipment that semakinramah with the environment and health.
Even so, working too long in front of the monitor screen still can affect health, such as eye fatigue, back pain, shoulder and neck. Here are some tips to overcome fatigue and eye strain while working in front of the monitor. Hopefully we can keep the gift yangtetap eye, although they had to work long hours.
1-Work in the room is fairly light.
Notice the lighting in your workspace. Do not work in the room is too bright and dazzling. Use blinds to adjust light from the window. Place lamps on their heads. Avoid staring at the light directly. Conversely, do not also work in a room that is too dark or dim. Try to keep your room bright enough agarmata terllau you do not work hard.
2-Use filters monitor.
To reduce glare and radiation emitted by the monitor, use the monitor glass filter. Talk to your computer equipment vendor to get a good filter and capable mengurangipengaruh radiation, not just dim light of the monitor.
3-Check your monitor.
Check if your monitor is still working properly? Compare with other monitors. When a picture is looking increasingly dim, flickering or not comfortable for your eyes, then it is time to repair or replace the monitor. Better to change the monitor rather than letting your eyes disturbed. Frequently clean the monitor from dust and kotoranyang disturbing display.
4-Put the paper for readability.
If you must work with a copy or read the paper, then place the paper work is in balance with the distance of your monitor. This is so you do not need to go back and forth to focus the view to read your paper work, after reading on the monitor screen.
5-Note the position of the monitor.
Place the monitor screen in such a way as to form an angle of 10-15 degrees from the straight line with your views. This is in addition to avoid tiring your eyes, also keep your shoulders and neck cukupnyaman work.
6-Work with "font" that is big enough.
If you must edit the text in front of the computer, make sure the size or "font" letters that you use big enough. Do not force your eyes to read small letters on the monitor. Your eyes is not a microscope for the writings of the screen. Use the facility to increase or adjust the display image on your monitor. When you've finished editing or read it, you can return it to posisisemula fonts.
7-Rest your eyes.
Relax your eyes. Close or kerjap-kerjapkan. Do kucek-kucek your eye. However, frequent blinking. This can reduce tension and keep your eyes still wet and cool. If you are too old to see at close range, switch your view towards the distant. Do iniselama few minutes every 30 minutes.
8-Check your glasses or contact lenses.
If you use glasses or contact lenses and you have to work all day in front of the monitor, there is a good idea to consult your eye doctor or optical so you can get glasses that fit. Both, the size of the lens and frame. If you feel tired of wearing sunglasses, uninstall it. Glasses can make eyes tired. Occasionally
let your eyes see free. However, soon you wear glasses if I have to wear it. Do not force your eyes to see without the aid of your glasses.
Even so, working too long in front of the monitor screen still can affect health, such as eye fatigue, back pain, shoulder and neck. Here are some tips to overcome fatigue and eye strain while working in front of the monitor. Hopefully we can keep the gift yangtetap eye, although they had to work long hours.
1-Work in the room is fairly light.
Notice the lighting in your workspace. Do not work in the room is too bright and dazzling. Use blinds to adjust light from the window. Place lamps on their heads. Avoid staring at the light directly. Conversely, do not also work in a room that is too dark or dim. Try to keep your room bright enough agarmata terllau you do not work hard.
2-Use filters monitor.
To reduce glare and radiation emitted by the monitor, use the monitor glass filter. Talk to your computer equipment vendor to get a good filter and capable mengurangipengaruh radiation, not just dim light of the monitor.
3-Check your monitor.
Check if your monitor is still working properly? Compare with other monitors. When a picture is looking increasingly dim, flickering or not comfortable for your eyes, then it is time to repair or replace the monitor. Better to change the monitor rather than letting your eyes disturbed. Frequently clean the monitor from dust and kotoranyang disturbing display.
4-Put the paper for readability.
If you must work with a copy or read the paper, then place the paper work is in balance with the distance of your monitor. This is so you do not need to go back and forth to focus the view to read your paper work, after reading on the monitor screen.
5-Note the position of the monitor.
Place the monitor screen in such a way as to form an angle of 10-15 degrees from the straight line with your views. This is in addition to avoid tiring your eyes, also keep your shoulders and neck cukupnyaman work.
6-Work with "font" that is big enough.
If you must edit the text in front of the computer, make sure the size or "font" letters that you use big enough. Do not force your eyes to read small letters on the monitor. Your eyes is not a microscope for the writings of the screen. Use the facility to increase or adjust the display image on your monitor. When you've finished editing or read it, you can return it to posisisemula fonts.
7-Rest your eyes.
Relax your eyes. Close or kerjap-kerjapkan. Do kucek-kucek your eye. However, frequent blinking. This can reduce tension and keep your eyes still wet and cool. If you are too old to see at close range, switch your view towards the distant. Do iniselama few minutes every 30 minutes.
8-Check your glasses or contact lenses.
If you use glasses or contact lenses and you have to work all day in front of the monitor, there is a good idea to consult your eye doctor or optical so you can get glasses that fit. Both, the size of the lens and frame. If you feel tired of wearing sunglasses, uninstall it. Glasses can make eyes tired. Occasionally
let your eyes see free. However, soon you wear glasses if I have to wear it. Do not force your eyes to see without the aid of your glasses.
Keeping the Personal Health Practices
Wash hands with soap and water
Wash your hands before touching the nose, mouth and eyes
Cover nose and mouth with tissue when Coughing and Sneezing
Dispose of tissue that has been in use into the Trash
Use a spoon when serving presenters from a shared plate
Visit the doctor if they do not feel well at home until you Rest healthy
Use a mask when attacked by flu to avoid spreading infection to others
Minimum 30 minutes of physical exercise per day 5x or more of the Week
Perform an appropriate diet and eat fruits, vegetables at least 2x a day
Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
Control your stress levels and plenty of rest
Avoid travel kearea a solid and try to always be in a place that has good ventilation
Avoid contact with anyone who looks unhealthy
Do not forget to bring a small bag containing the standard drugs for your family
Wash hands with soap and water
Wash your hands before touching the nose, mouth and eyes
Cover nose and mouth with tissue when Coughing and Sneezing
Dispose of tissue that has been in use into the Trash
Use a spoon when serving presenters from a shared plate
Visit the doctor if they do not feel well at home until you Rest healthy
Use a mask when attacked by flu to avoid spreading infection to others
Minimum 30 minutes of physical exercise per day 5x or more of the Week
Perform an appropriate diet and eat fruits, vegetables at least 2x a day
Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
Control your stress levels and plenty of rest
Avoid travel kearea a solid and try to always be in a place that has good ventilation
Avoid contact with anyone who looks unhealthy
Do not forget to bring a small bag containing the standard drugs for your family
Tips for Maintaining Heart Health
Tips for Maintaining Healthy Heart - To be able to get a long life, the heart is one organ that absolutely must be kept healthy. Heart disorders can be deadly, so prevention becomes the wisest step to avoid sudden death from heart attack.
Holly Andersen, a researcher from the Ronald O Perelman Heart Institute in New York, explains some good habits that can be applied in everyday life for awake cardiac health. Starting from the trivial things such as walking up to find the vital numbers.
Quoted from Indiavision, Thursday (1/13/2011), the following good habits in question.
1. Know the vital figures
Before there was a problem with the heart, it's good to know the important numbers that are indicators of heart health. Among them are blood pressure, pulse rate, levels of total fat, cholesterol and triglycerides.
2. Walk
The flurry of activity that is always solid and should not be a reason for not exercising. Every now and then leave a private vehicle and walked toward the nearest bus stop to ride public transportation to the office. Simply by walking for 20-30 minutes a day, the risk of premature death from heart attack can be reduced by 50 percent.
3. Laugh as often as possible
Even if to just walk away just still hard to take the time, try to laugh more often. Speaking of burning calories, laughed uproariously for 15 minutes can be synchronized with the aerobics for 30 minutes. Laughter also suppress the release of the stress hormone cortisol, so that more blood pressure under control.
4. Note the waist circumference
The mistake that often happens is that people are too worried about weight, whereas the risk factors of metabolic syndrome and heart problems more precisely associated with waist circumference. Central obesity or belly fat fatty liver indicate that causes cholesterol levels difficult to control.
5. Enough sleep
Staying up late into the night not only makes the body feel tired the next day. Lack of sleep also can increase stress and blood pressure so that it can give a bad impact on heart health. It seems trivial but adequate rest is an important requirement that must be met if you want to live long.
Holly Andersen, a researcher from the Ronald O Perelman Heart Institute in New York, explains some good habits that can be applied in everyday life for awake cardiac health. Starting from the trivial things such as walking up to find the vital numbers.
Quoted from Indiavision, Thursday (1/13/2011), the following good habits in question.
1. Know the vital figures
Before there was a problem with the heart, it's good to know the important numbers that are indicators of heart health. Among them are blood pressure, pulse rate, levels of total fat, cholesterol and triglycerides.
2. Walk
The flurry of activity that is always solid and should not be a reason for not exercising. Every now and then leave a private vehicle and walked toward the nearest bus stop to ride public transportation to the office. Simply by walking for 20-30 minutes a day, the risk of premature death from heart attack can be reduced by 50 percent.
3. Laugh as often as possible
Even if to just walk away just still hard to take the time, try to laugh more often. Speaking of burning calories, laughed uproariously for 15 minutes can be synchronized with the aerobics for 30 minutes. Laughter also suppress the release of the stress hormone cortisol, so that more blood pressure under control.
4. Note the waist circumference
The mistake that often happens is that people are too worried about weight, whereas the risk factors of metabolic syndrome and heart problems more precisely associated with waist circumference. Central obesity or belly fat fatty liver indicate that causes cholesterol levels difficult to control.
5. Enough sleep
Staying up late into the night not only makes the body feel tired the next day. Lack of sleep also can increase stress and blood pressure so that it can give a bad impact on heart health. It seems trivial but adequate rest is an important requirement that must be met if you want to live long.
Tips for Maintaining Healthy Skin Body
Here are some Tips for Maintaining Healthy Skin Body safe and inexpensive for us to apply the pattern of our lives. No need to spend the cost of expensive for body skin care. These methods are very simple and able to make you keep healthy skin fresher and younger. Follow the steps below, if you want to get healthy skin:
1. Keep your skin clean. No need to be excessive, if it actually will cause excessive dry skin. Simply use a shower 2x a day and once a week.
2. Drink at least 8 glasses a day to maintain skin moisture.
3. Healthy lifestyles, which consume foods that contain vitamins and fiber (fruits and vegetables) and exercise regularly.
4. Keeping the skin to stay dry and clean, especially the area of skin folds and areas covered. Because the area is easily infected skin fungus. Use anti-fungal powder, 2x a day morning and evening after bathing for the treatment and adequate 1x a day in the morning for prevention.
The increasing air pollution that is around us and also an unhealthy lifestyle influence the health of the body, and the effect is of course affected skin. More and more diseases that result from it.
The only way we must also protect our health in order to stay fit, although trying to fit plasticity we must also maintain our appearance. In order for our appearance look fresh, it is necessary to pay attention to skin health.
In addition to maintaining skin health agency, we also have to maintain our appearance not only of the skin only. Skin health is the main thing we should care, because this is also an asset of our appearance.
1. Keep your skin clean. No need to be excessive, if it actually will cause excessive dry skin. Simply use a shower 2x a day and once a week.
2. Drink at least 8 glasses a day to maintain skin moisture.
3. Healthy lifestyles, which consume foods that contain vitamins and fiber (fruits and vegetables) and exercise regularly.
4. Keeping the skin to stay dry and clean, especially the area of skin folds and areas covered. Because the area is easily infected skin fungus. Use anti-fungal powder, 2x a day morning and evening after bathing for the treatment and adequate 1x a day in the morning for prevention.
The increasing air pollution that is around us and also an unhealthy lifestyle influence the health of the body, and the effect is of course affected skin. More and more diseases that result from it.
The only way we must also protect our health in order to stay fit, although trying to fit plasticity we must also maintain our appearance. In order for our appearance look fresh, it is necessary to pay attention to skin health.
In addition to maintaining skin health agency, we also have to maintain our appearance not only of the skin only. Skin health is the main thing we should care, because this is also an asset of our appearance.
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