Is it breast cancer?
When at a place in our body there are cells growing excessive, there will be a lump or tumor. These tumors can be benign or malignant. A malignant tumor is called cancer. Malignant tumors have unique properties, which can spread to other parts of the body to develop into new tumors. The spread is called metastasis. Cancers have different characteristics. There is growing rapidly, there is growing not too fast, such as breast cancer.
The first breast cancer cells can grow into tumors of 1 cm at the time of 8-12 years. Cancer cells are silent on the breast gland. Breast cancer cells can spread via the bloodstream throughout the body. When was the last deployment, we do not know. Breast cancer cells can hide inside our bodies for years without the owner knowing, and active suddenly become malignant or cancerous tumor.
Cancer development
Stage I (early stage)
The amount of tumor is not more than 2 to 2.25 cm, and there is no spread (metastases) in axillary lymph nodes. At this stage I, the possibility of a perfect cure was 70%. To check whether or not metastasis to other parts of the body, must be examined in the laboratory.
Stage II
The tumor was larger than 2.25 cm and has occurred metastases in lymph nodes in the armpit. At this stage, it is possible to recover only 30-40% depending on the extent of spread of cancer cells. In stage I and II are usually performed surgery to remove cancer cells that exist in all parts of the spread, and radiation after surgery to make sure no more cancer cells left behind.
Stage III
The tumor was quite large, cancerous cells have spread throughout the body, and the possibility for recovery is low. Breast treatment had no meaning anymore. Radiation treatment is usually only done and chemotherapie (administration of drugs that can kill cancer cells). Sometimes also performed surgery to remove the breast that has been severe. This effort only to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the body and to alleviate the suffering of patients as closely as possible.
Prevention of early
Need to know, that 9 out of 10 women found a lump in her breast. For early prevention, can be done alone. Should the examination carried out after completion of menstruation. Before menstruation, breast somewhat swollen making it difficult examination. How the examination is as follows:
* Stand in front of the mirror and see if there are abnormalities in the breast. Usually both breasts are not the same, her nipples are also not located at the same height. See if there are wrinkles, indentations, or drawn into the nipple. If there are defects or out of fluid or blood from the nipple, immediately went to the doctor.
* Put your arms above your head and look back both breasts.
* Bend the body until the breasts hanging down, and check again.
* Lie down on the bed and put his left hand behind your head, and a pillow under your left shoulder. Touch the left breast with your right fingers. Check if there are lumps in the breast. Then also check that there is a lump or swelling in the left armpit.
* Check and touch the nipple and surrounding areas. In general, the mammary gland when touched with the flat of your fingers will feel rubbery and easily moved. If there is a tumor, it will feel hard and can not be driven (not to be moved from its place). If you feel there is a lump of 1 cm or more, immediately went to the doctor. The earlier treatment, the more likely to recover completely
* Do the same for breast and right armpit.
Advanced Treatment
When you find a lump, the doctor will usually recommend to do the examination mammografie. Mammografie is a breast examination with x-ray equipment and is a simple way of examination, no pain, and only takes 50-10 minutes. The best time to undergo mammografie is a week after menstruation. The trick is to put the breast in turn between 2 sheets of the base, then X-rays made from top to bottom, then from left to right. The results of this photograph will be checked by a radiologist. A lump of 0.25 cm can already be seen on a mammogram.
Another way is with a small operation to take samples of tissue (biopsy) from the lump, and then examined under a microscope anatomic pathology laboratory. If known and ascertained that the lump is cancerous, the breast must be removed entirely to avoid spreading to other parts of the body.
Who should undergo examination mammografie?
* Women who are older than 50 years.
* Women who have a mother or sister who had suffered from breast cancer.
* Women who have undergone removal of one of her breasts. Women in this group must be in strict supervision.
* Women who never bear children. Apparently in this group frequently encountered breast cancer attacks.
Health tips,Skin care,Nail care,Heart health tips, Preventing the aging process,Keeping the hormone metabolism,Eye health,Ear health tips,How to maintain the health of infants,Medical consultation,Treatment of heart disease,etc...

Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011
Every mammal (its nursing) and humans when developing normally would have breasts. Usefulness of the breast is very much among others, to breastfeed her child.
Breast development begins in infancy but growing rapidly since the child appears to the first menstruation (menarche).
Given that this organ is very important for us all, then we should know the signs - signs that show if breast abnormalities.
How do we find breast abnormalities
Actually very easy to do it live we imagine → then we feel → we see → we touch → we do the examination in more depth (mammography).
The first thing is we think: easy for us imagine a normal breast shape then we have our match with
The second thing we feel: the easiest is the feeling of pain. The pain can occur in normal and abnormal circumstances. Normal is feeling pain that is felt when getting your period (menstruation). Feelings of pain is usually felt one side but not both. The feeling of pain is not normal is when there is infection / inflammation, trauma, tumor, etc..
The third thing is we see: performed by sitting in front of the glass → after finished watching the second lift arms up and then observe again.
1. We note the color of the skin on the affected breast, will usually appear reddish or even looks like an orange skin (wrinkles). The redness can be caused by infection, whereas if you look like an orange peel is caused by edema. If it appears like this picture we should be more vigilant because they may be symptoms of cancer.
2. appear uneven breast size
Breast enlargement, this situation can also occur under normal circumstances and not normal. Normal is breast enlargement during the acquisition period and during pregnancy / nursing.
Withdrawal from the nipple, this situation could occur because there is decree anything thing around (below) either nipple or the other tumor.
3. Nipple discharge. Discharge from the nipple that normally occurs during pregnancy / lactation, the influence of contraceptive pill use is long, the breastfeeding period is too long. While that is not normal when the liquid is reddish, foul or fishy odor accompanied by abnormal breast conditions.
The fourth thing is that we touch:
In palpability: breast feels hot, palpable lump (soft, or hard), pain when touched. There is a technique - a special technique done to examine the breast that is a way to check breast self examination (BSE).
1. Gently massage the area around the nipple and observe whether the discharge is not abnormal. Under normal circumstances, both nipples: symmetrical, freely movable, and only give out milk.
2. Lie down with your right arm under his head → put a small pillow under the back right → Touch the entire surface of your right breast with his left hand, how: Touch with 3 shoots that sealed the middle finger → do the twist with gentle but steady pressure, starting from the edge hold to the center (nipple), and back from the edge by following a clockwise direction → notice when there is a suspicious lump. REMEMBER! SYMPTOMS FIRST and foremost of breast cancer is a lump arise.
3. Do the same thing, but with the left arm under his head is right hand fingering payudra your left.
4. The breast part side (right and left) is the most frequently found in breast tumors.
5. When you feel a suspicious lump, consult your doctor immediately.
6. Do breast self-exam once a month after menstruation.
The fifth thing we can do this at the beginning or the end of that phase with more in-depth examination. This examination can be done with mammography. The advantage of this examination by mammography is a technique is expected to detect breast abnormalities as early as possible. So we can find out defects early before it's finished berantakan.Bicara of breast abnormalities, then we know several disorders, among others:
1. Congenital abnormalities (congenital) deformity (amastia left), the number of nipples
2. Inflammation (infection): mastitis,
3. Benign Tumor: FAM, breast cyst
4. Malignant Tumors: breast cancer
a. Congenital Abnormalities
* Amastia, this deformity can occur when one breast does not grow properly, so it felt only has 1 breast only.
b. Inflammation / infection
* Mastitis usually occurs in women who are pregnant or breast-feeding, although in other cases there are. Called mastitis because the breast was inflamed. Inflammation occurs when there injury in her breast making it easier for germs entering and infected him. This disease there are 2 phases namely inflammation and stage of stage of abscess (Java: wudun). At the first stage is usually enough to compress with warm water, then given pain-killers and the sick seconded by fabric 3 sides. When you have entered the stage of abscess, the abscess must be cleaned → then given a drain to drain the pus and tissue nekrotiknya → clad press for emnghentikan lactation → given the appropriate medication cause.
c. Benign Breast Tumors
* Fibro adenoma mammary (FAM). This is one type of benign breast tumors. Usually arises in women aged adolescents to young adults approximately 20-35 years. These tumors besides causing lumps on the palpability chewy, not attached to (can be moved), the pain is felt but not very. Nothing to do with the menstrual cycle when menstruation does not mean a big plus, her nipples do not show any change and there is absolutely no spontaneous pain.
* Necrosis of fat: the kind of tumor is almost like a malignancy will be the palpable hard when touched. Only the difference with breast cancer is fat necrosis is rarely experienced enlargement. Rarely does not necessarily can not enlarged.
Treatment for this case was done by excision (surgery).
d. Breast Cancer
* Mammary carcinoma, this type is a type of highly malignant tumor payudra. Why is there a malignant tumor that is said but there is not (benign)? This is because it is the malignant spread to other parts of the body. For example in the breast used to be just right but a few months later appeared also on the left or sebarnya child caught in the lungs. Disease risk factors were: women who run do not have children (infertile). This is because there are currently pregnant do not ovulate, ovulation suppression that can reduce the risk of mammary Ca. The second was a woman who is ill, family members of breast cancer (heredofamilial).
Treatment for this case is not enough just to do surgery but should be done in accordance with tingakat ferocity. So after surgery but sometimes there is need in the light, there is a need to undergo chemotherapy, there is a surgery to take her ovaries (oophorectomy).
Breast development begins in infancy but growing rapidly since the child appears to the first menstruation (menarche).
Given that this organ is very important for us all, then we should know the signs - signs that show if breast abnormalities.
How do we find breast abnormalities
Actually very easy to do it live we imagine → then we feel → we see → we touch → we do the examination in more depth (mammography).
The first thing is we think: easy for us imagine a normal breast shape then we have our match with
The second thing we feel: the easiest is the feeling of pain. The pain can occur in normal and abnormal circumstances. Normal is feeling pain that is felt when getting your period (menstruation). Feelings of pain is usually felt one side but not both. The feeling of pain is not normal is when there is infection / inflammation, trauma, tumor, etc..
The third thing is we see: performed by sitting in front of the glass → after finished watching the second lift arms up and then observe again.
1. We note the color of the skin on the affected breast, will usually appear reddish or even looks like an orange skin (wrinkles). The redness can be caused by infection, whereas if you look like an orange peel is caused by edema. If it appears like this picture we should be more vigilant because they may be symptoms of cancer.
2. appear uneven breast size
Breast enlargement, this situation can also occur under normal circumstances and not normal. Normal is breast enlargement during the acquisition period and during pregnancy / nursing.
Withdrawal from the nipple, this situation could occur because there is decree anything thing around (below) either nipple or the other tumor.
3. Nipple discharge. Discharge from the nipple that normally occurs during pregnancy / lactation, the influence of contraceptive pill use is long, the breastfeeding period is too long. While that is not normal when the liquid is reddish, foul or fishy odor accompanied by abnormal breast conditions.
The fourth thing is that we touch:
In palpability: breast feels hot, palpable lump (soft, or hard), pain when touched. There is a technique - a special technique done to examine the breast that is a way to check breast self examination (BSE).
1. Gently massage the area around the nipple and observe whether the discharge is not abnormal. Under normal circumstances, both nipples: symmetrical, freely movable, and only give out milk.
2. Lie down with your right arm under his head → put a small pillow under the back right → Touch the entire surface of your right breast with his left hand, how: Touch with 3 shoots that sealed the middle finger → do the twist with gentle but steady pressure, starting from the edge hold to the center (nipple), and back from the edge by following a clockwise direction → notice when there is a suspicious lump. REMEMBER! SYMPTOMS FIRST and foremost of breast cancer is a lump arise.
3. Do the same thing, but with the left arm under his head is right hand fingering payudra your left.
4. The breast part side (right and left) is the most frequently found in breast tumors.
5. When you feel a suspicious lump, consult your doctor immediately.
6. Do breast self-exam once a month after menstruation.
The fifth thing we can do this at the beginning or the end of that phase with more in-depth examination. This examination can be done with mammography. The advantage of this examination by mammography is a technique is expected to detect breast abnormalities as early as possible. So we can find out defects early before it's finished berantakan.Bicara of breast abnormalities, then we know several disorders, among others:
1. Congenital abnormalities (congenital) deformity (amastia left), the number of nipples
2. Inflammation (infection): mastitis,
3. Benign Tumor: FAM, breast cyst
4. Malignant Tumors: breast cancer
a. Congenital Abnormalities
* Amastia, this deformity can occur when one breast does not grow properly, so it felt only has 1 breast only.
b. Inflammation / infection
* Mastitis usually occurs in women who are pregnant or breast-feeding, although in other cases there are. Called mastitis because the breast was inflamed. Inflammation occurs when there injury in her breast making it easier for germs entering and infected him. This disease there are 2 phases namely inflammation and stage of stage of abscess (Java: wudun). At the first stage is usually enough to compress with warm water, then given pain-killers and the sick seconded by fabric 3 sides. When you have entered the stage of abscess, the abscess must be cleaned → then given a drain to drain the pus and tissue nekrotiknya → clad press for emnghentikan lactation → given the appropriate medication cause.
c. Benign Breast Tumors
* Fibro adenoma mammary (FAM). This is one type of benign breast tumors. Usually arises in women aged adolescents to young adults approximately 20-35 years. These tumors besides causing lumps on the palpability chewy, not attached to (can be moved), the pain is felt but not very. Nothing to do with the menstrual cycle when menstruation does not mean a big plus, her nipples do not show any change and there is absolutely no spontaneous pain.
* Necrosis of fat: the kind of tumor is almost like a malignancy will be the palpable hard when touched. Only the difference with breast cancer is fat necrosis is rarely experienced enlargement. Rarely does not necessarily can not enlarged.
Treatment for this case was done by excision (surgery).
d. Breast Cancer
* Mammary carcinoma, this type is a type of highly malignant tumor payudra. Why is there a malignant tumor that is said but there is not (benign)? This is because it is the malignant spread to other parts of the body. For example in the breast used to be just right but a few months later appeared also on the left or sebarnya child caught in the lungs. Disease risk factors were: women who run do not have children (infertile). This is because there are currently pregnant do not ovulate, ovulation suppression that can reduce the risk of mammary Ca. The second was a woman who is ill, family members of breast cancer (heredofamilial).
Treatment for this case is not enough just to do surgery but should be done in accordance with tingakat ferocity. So after surgery but sometimes there is need in the light, there is a need to undergo chemotherapy, there is a surgery to take her ovaries (oophorectomy).
Familiarizing Lupus Disease
Lupus disease was allegedly the cause of death as cancer. Until now there has been no drug that can cure this disease completely. Let's find out more in the disease lupus.
Lupus is taken from the Latin word meaning "dog". The first time the disease was discovered about a century ago, people thought the disease was caused by dog bites. However, after various studies conducted, the exact cause of this disease was found.
Excerpted from Healthy doctor, the disease lupus is caused by the immune system that is too powerful that attack cells in the body itself. Various organ systems such as skin tissue, muscle, bone, kidneys, nervous system, cardiovascular system, lungs, lining of the lungs, liver, digestive system, eyes, brain, and blood vessels and blood cells can be attacked by lupus disease, and not infrequently, cause of death.
"The disease can be on all levels of society, 1-5 in a 100 thousand inhabitants. He also is genetically [can be derived], "said Dr. Rahmat Gunadi of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran.
"Women are more often exposed to 60-10 times that of men, especially at the age of 15-40 years," said Dr. Gunadi again. He added that the nations of Africa and Asia are more vulnerable than whites. In addition, of course, people with families.
"This disease arises due to the sensitivity factors and trigger factors of the infection, drug use, exposed to sun exposure, use of birth control pills, and stress."
Here are common symptoms of lupus patients who described Dr Gunadi:
1. The skin is easily burned by the sun and the incidence of digestive disorders.
2. Generally, patients often feel weak, excessive fatigue, fever and sore. This phenomenon is mainly observed in the active period, whereas during remission (inactive) disappeared.
3. In the skin, red rash will appear which runs on both cheeks, like a butterfly is commonly called butterfly rash. However, red rash resembling discs can appear in the skin throughout the body, prominent and sometimes scaly. Seeing the many symptoms of this disease, the woman who was attacked by two or more symptoms alone, should be suspected of suffering from lupus.
4. Anemia, due to red blood cells are destroyed by the disease lupus.
5. Hair loss and fatigue are often excessive.
Until now, no treatment that can cure lupus in total. That there is only treatment to prevent expansion.
Welcoming the World Lupus Day which falls on 7 May, Duha Shams Foundation (SDF) - an organization that engages in a competition that aims to push various studies supplement therapy for lupus.
Care for Lupus titled SDF Awards 2011, the show will give awards to researchers, writers and people who contributed in increasing public awareness of lupus and its infected.
Announcement of winners will be held at West Hall Bandung Institute of Technology, May 7, 2011.
Lupus is taken from the Latin word meaning "dog". The first time the disease was discovered about a century ago, people thought the disease was caused by dog bites. However, after various studies conducted, the exact cause of this disease was found.
Excerpted from Healthy doctor, the disease lupus is caused by the immune system that is too powerful that attack cells in the body itself. Various organ systems such as skin tissue, muscle, bone, kidneys, nervous system, cardiovascular system, lungs, lining of the lungs, liver, digestive system, eyes, brain, and blood vessels and blood cells can be attacked by lupus disease, and not infrequently, cause of death.
"The disease can be on all levels of society, 1-5 in a 100 thousand inhabitants. He also is genetically [can be derived], "said Dr. Rahmat Gunadi of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran.
"Women are more often exposed to 60-10 times that of men, especially at the age of 15-40 years," said Dr. Gunadi again. He added that the nations of Africa and Asia are more vulnerable than whites. In addition, of course, people with families.
"This disease arises due to the sensitivity factors and trigger factors of the infection, drug use, exposed to sun exposure, use of birth control pills, and stress."
Here are common symptoms of lupus patients who described Dr Gunadi:
1. The skin is easily burned by the sun and the incidence of digestive disorders.
2. Generally, patients often feel weak, excessive fatigue, fever and sore. This phenomenon is mainly observed in the active period, whereas during remission (inactive) disappeared.
3. In the skin, red rash will appear which runs on both cheeks, like a butterfly is commonly called butterfly rash. However, red rash resembling discs can appear in the skin throughout the body, prominent and sometimes scaly. Seeing the many symptoms of this disease, the woman who was attacked by two or more symptoms alone, should be suspected of suffering from lupus.
4. Anemia, due to red blood cells are destroyed by the disease lupus.
5. Hair loss and fatigue are often excessive.
Until now, no treatment that can cure lupus in total. That there is only treatment to prevent expansion.
Welcoming the World Lupus Day which falls on 7 May, Duha Shams Foundation (SDF) - an organization that engages in a competition that aims to push various studies supplement therapy for lupus.
Care for Lupus titled SDF Awards 2011, the show will give awards to researchers, writers and people who contributed in increasing public awareness of lupus and its infected.
Announcement of winners will be held at West Hall Bandung Institute of Technology, May 7, 2011.
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