Following a number of medicinal and kitchen spices used as well as usage:
Red onion
To reduce fever, grated onion secukupnya, balurkan in the body of a baby / child. For sore, red onion, 3 cloves and 2 finger rimpang kunyit washed, shredded, and mixed with 2 spoons of coconut oil new. Warm over a small fire while stirred. After a cold, oleskan on the body of a sick 2 times a day. For a cold, red onion 8 cloves, washed, tumbuk smooth, water mixed with whiting secukupnya. Balurkan in the back, neck, stomach and legs.
For the incoming wind, flatulence and kolik on children. How,  ¼ teaspoon dry ginger powder dilarutkan in  ½ cup hot water. Give 1-2 times per day according to age.
Turmeric (turmeric)
For diarrhea,  ½ finger turmeric and 3 of young guava leaves fresh mashed, mixed with  ½ cup water, and diperas. Once strained, given to the children sekehendaknya. To skin the white spot or mildew fungus / diaper rash because of the diapers, grated turmeric oleskan ago.
The seeds of cashew leaves (klutuk jambu, jambu batu)
For diarrhea, 3 of young guava leaves and fresh, washed clean, smooth tumbuk, let  ½ cup warm water, and taken diperas water. Give salt secukupnya before given to the children. Air perasan given to the child sekehendaknya.
Wuluh star fruit (sour star fruit, star fruit buluk)
Usually used for children's cough medicine. How, steam (in a small pan closed for several hours) a handful (about 11-12 grams) of fresh flowers wuluh star fruit, 5 butiradas, 1 tablespoon rock sugar and 1 / 2 cup water. Filter and minumkan 2-3 times per day with age appropriate dose of children.
Mengkudu (pace)
To alleviate flatulence in infants. How, heat leaves over a fire mengkudu some time, and coconut oil olesi fresh / new. Paste in the stomach when the child warm. Can be repeated several times.
Nutritious enrich baby's hair. How, hazelnut oil be smeared on the baby / child while gently massage every night. Morning disampo hair and rinsed with warm water until clean. This oil candle that is better so.
Air Kelapa Muda
Can be used for drug muntaber young coconut water because it contains many minerals potassium, which is when many children out muntaber. Dose not have takarannya, sekendak children.
Brotowali (Putrawali, andawali)
Useful for external wound-healing wounds, and itching due to scabies itch (Scabies). How, 2-3 finger stem brotowali cut small, boiled with 6 glasses of water. After the boil, leave for 1 / 2 hours. Filtered water and use to treat wounds and itchy-itchy.
To dilute phlegm and cough medicine children. How, mixed perasan water 1 tbsp lemon, 3 tbsp pure honey, 5 tbsp water, then ditim for 30 minutes. Measure the baby to drink between the ages of 6-1 years: 2 times 1 / 2 tsp; children 1-3 years: 2 times 1 tsp; children 4-5 years old: 2 times 1 1 / 2 tsp. Alternatively, cut pieces 1 lemon, PERAS water, put in a glass / cup. Add sweet soy sauce, poke. Measure for children to drink, 3 times per day 1 tsp.
To ulcer drugs. How, grated potatoes and PERAS. Oleskan essence of water and grated fresh kendtang be smeared on the ulcer 3-4 times per day can be too rash to the skin caused by prickly heat or sweat buntet (miliaria), because the nature of the potatoes cool.
Banglai (bangle, panglai, manglai, pandhiyang)
To calm babies and children are often fussy in the night, balurkan grated banglai segal brow and body in children.
Olive oil
To treat dandruff or scaling of the infant (craddle crap), as much as 1-2 times per day be smeared on the scalp.
Aloe vera
To treat burns in infants and children. How smear the meat with aloe vera leaf on the entire surface of the skin suffering burns.
Papaya leaf
Nutritious increase appetite, cure the disease malaria, fever, beri-beri and stomach cramps. How, young papaya leaves ditumbuk, diperas, filtered, and drinking water.
Temulawak (koneng gede)
To increase the appetite. I, 150 grams temulawan 50 grams of fresh turmeric peeled, sliced thin, in the 500 cc rendam honey kapok in toples closed for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks concoction is ready for use. Rules drinking: 1 tablespoon honey temulawak dilarutkan in  ½ cup warm water, drink morning and evening.
To alleviate cough in children. I, 5 grams of fresh, washed clean kencur, scar, and
add 2 tbsp water and white stirred and cooked. Once strained, add 1 tbsp pure honey. Give 2-3 times a day.
Fennel (fennel)
Fennel tea can be used to alleviate the suffering baby kolik or pain due erupsi (out) teeth. To cure a cold and kolik, how 1sdt fennel tea dilarutkan with 1 cup boiling water, until dissolved confused. After a rather cold, the solution can be given to the infant / child with the appropriate measure of age.
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