Selasa, 22 September 2009

Detoxification Tips For Your Home Body Detox

Body detox at some clinics and spas can be incredibly expensive, and actually it may cost up to thousands of dollars based on the seriousness of the case. That is one reason why many people prefer to do their own home body detoxification, which is far more effective to their viewpoint, and less expensive too. Home body detox is in fact comparable to what a detox center will provide you. The discipline imposed on you to follow in the center, contrasted to the freedom you enjoy in the comfort of your own home, is the only dissimilarity.

Your body requires a cleansing detoxification at least once every six months, if there are too many toxins in your body or your body pH is too high, according to studies. A lack of cleansing your body's system can lead to many kinds of problems and illnesses. Specifically, when your pH is too high, the body becomes vulnerable to disease.

Disease may develop due to your bad eating habits, lack of exercise, too much sugar, salt, and caffeine, pollution in your environment, or a buildup of toxins in the intestines. Any and all of these will lead to the breakdown of cellular function; eventually after your body has given up trying to fight against it, you will fall sick.

Experts recommend you pay close attention to your food and liquid intake, and once in a while, detoxify yourself. A home body detox is not so demanding really, because it essentially does not entail any clinical or medical process. Home body detox is one of the greatest ways of keeping ourselves cleansed and vigorous, along with techniques like special diets, natural therapies and vitamin supplements. Home body detox has few if any side effects and is not harmful at all.

It is a simple process. The main organs involved in this home body detox are liver, colon, kidneys, and the blood and lymph systems.

For colon detox, you would simply consume more fresh raw fruits and vegetables, all varying in colors and types. Cutting down on meat and other unhealthy food will help a lot. Or sometimes, you can also take coffee enemas. The process takes place over an extended periods; typically between three to six months. For the liver, a higher level of green foods and drinks would be appropriate, with an addition of homeopathic detoxosode drops. Kidney home body detox includes adding the drinking of unsweetened cranberry concentrate to the existing food types.

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