Jumat, 08 April 2011

Tips for Keeping Safe Area Health Women's Intim

A healthy vagina is a vagina without complaint - no itching, no tarnish, no inflammation / irritation and vaginal discharge. But sometimes women have a habit that would make Miss V neglected his health. Here are tips to keep safe and intimate areas of health care for women:
Tips for Keeping Safe Area Health Women's Intim

1. In order not to trigger the moisture in the vaginal area and surrounding area, choose cotton underwear from a rather loose. Also avoid the use of stockings with the model to close the ass. Because this model will lead to moisture stockings. Use a model that only up ass stockings as his successor.

2. Replace panty liners every 2 hours. If the vaginal fluid would not contact with the skin around the area intimately. This is even more important if you are a woman with high activity. Usually the fluid will diproduksiberbanding you straight to the high activity.

3. Try carrying a bottle of water when you urinate in public toilets to be clean miss V with water. Then dry your meeting with fibrous tissue.

4. You are not very recommended to use soap or a special cleaning fluid vagina too often. When bathing in the morning, afternoon or evening, then you may cleanse the vagina with soap or a special liquid. Remember, inside your vagina, there is a normal bacteria that act as a bastion of the vagina, so if the normal germs that come off the evil germs will be free to move. Do the cleaning process is the right way, by the way, squatting, rather than standing. Due to squat all the liquid or the remnants of whiteness will come out.

5. Consumption of fruits and vegetables. Both are influential for the health of all your intimate area.

6. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Water entering in large amounts will make you urinate. It is good to 'flush' the urinary tract.

7. Miss V keiasaan Avoid scratching the itch because whiteness. If the wound, then it will be more humid areas. so that the germs would love to nest there.

8. Cukum take vitamins, minerals and zinc. Healing wounds or abrasions on Miss V will be greatly assisted by zinc.

9. We recommend that you consult a doctor quickly if there is an abnormal vaginal discharge, can be identified from the quantity, color and odor-Do not put it off. Moreover, if the area is injured, because germs would love nest there.

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