Senin, 28 September 2009

Healthy Skin Care is Crucial If You Want to Fight the Signs of Aging

You can't neglect healthy skin care if you want to stay young-looking. Age takes its do whatever you can to fight off the effects of aging....high quality skin care products are a great start.

How do you choose a top product? There are so many brands available on the market, it can be overwhelming.

In order to gain healthy, young looking skin, you need to choose products that offer wholesome skin treatment. In other words, not only should they reverse aging sings they should also give a healthy skin texture. This can only be done by products that have natural ingredients, rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Antioxidants and vitamins play a vital role in maintaining skin texture.

Antioxidants help to prevent skin damage and fight against occurrence of aging signs, while vitamins will enrich the skin and nourish it. You can find such kind of healthy skin care to come only with natural ingredients. This is because they bring the natural goodness of nature to your skin. They are essentially more effective than chemical skin care ingredients.

Of course chemical-based products will show you changes. You can see skin wrinkles, skin lines and sagging skin to go away with them, but their effects on the skin is very temporary and cosmetic. You won't find healthy skin care with them. Wholesome and long lasting skin care comes only by using products with natural ingredients.

Such products work on your skin by enhancing skin collagen and elatin levels. Collagen and elastin are essentials elements for young-looking skin and healthy skin. They are made by your skin. When you are young, your skin produces enough levels of colleen and elastin and that's why your skin remains healthy.

As you age skin collagen and elastin levels come down. The result is the appearance of skin line, wrinkles and sagging skin. If you use products that enhance skin collagen and elastin levels to what they were when you were young, you can reverse aging signs that have recently come on your skin. You can find such anti aging skin care treatment to be offered by products with natural ingredients.

Such products use powerful ingredients which simulate you skin cell to produce more collagen and elastin. The result is that aging sing reverse effectively, leaving you refreshed, revitalized and young looking skin. What you experience is healthy skin care

There are a lot of products in the market which say they have skin collagen and elastin. They state that all that you need to do is apply them on your skin and you can reverse aging sings. This is not true. Collagen and elastin are complex proteins.

They cannot be absorbed by our skin through topical application. There is no scientific proof of your skin being able to absorb them. Products which say you can are trying to make money and will not show any effects you desired in skin care. They won't give you the young-looking and healthy skin texture that you really desire.

Use natural anti aging skin care products with special anti aging ingredients to reverse visible aging signs and gain healthy as well as young-looking skin.

Kamis, 24 September 2009

Alternative Cancer Treatments - Oxygen Therapy

There is much evidence to suggest that oxygen is a major deterrent to the creation and survival of cancer cells in the body and many emminent scientists and researchers consider the development of oxygen-based therapies as key to the ultimate eradication of cancer. There are now several oxygen therapies available, including the use of hydrogen peroxide compounds (H2O2), ozone therapy and even hyperbaric chambers (as used in decompression chambers for deep see divers).

In order to understand how human tissue absorbs and uses oxygen, we need first to understand the concept of pH. The term pH refers to concentration of the hydrogen proten, which in turn indicates the degree to which body tissue and fluids is either acidic or alkaline.

As a general rule in organic chemistry, acidic compounds tend to expel oxygen, while alkaline compounds absorb it. The contemporary western diet is, to say the least, rich in acid-producing foods, in particular refined sugar, and this is considered to be one of the main reasons that cancer rates have multiplied significantly during the last century.

For this reason, many therapeutic diets are specifically designed to eliminate too much acidity. Indeed most avoid over-consumption of sugars, which can be regarded as a major contributor to the onset and progression of cancer. In general, the majority of today's conventional foods in the West can be considered as acid-forming. This includes meats, bread, grains and cereals. The notable exceptions to this are most fruits and vegetables. It might also be noted that excessive stress and very negative emotions can also cause acidic conditions to arise.

Because it takes about 20 parts of alkaline substance to neutralize one part acid, our bodies are constantly struggling to maintain a balance. In the early stages of imbalance, symptoms may be relatively mild, including things like colds and flu. The body then begins to use up alkalising minerals such as calcium to neutralize the excess acid, which in turn can lead to deficiencies. As acid wastes build up, fat is then deposited to protect vital organs (there is a link between excess acidity and obesity). As the acidity increases, microforms such as yeasts multiply in the body, producing more toxins and yet greater acidity, in a vicious circle. Ultimately, it is believed that this can lead to degenerative diseases such as cancer.

Alternative health clinics will regularly employ acid-neutralizing minerals, such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, in their treatment programs to assist with correcting acid/alkaline imbalances. Vitamin D is another key component, being essential to calcium obsorption by the organism.

Guidelines for testing saliva pH, which is considered to be the most reliable signal of ionic calcium deficiency, are given in the book "The Calcium Factor: The Scientific Secret of Health and Youth" by Carl J Reich, MD and Bob Barefoot. These are:

- For the non-deficient and healthy person, pH 7.5 (dark blue) to pH7.1 (blue) i.e. moderately alkaline.
- For the moderately-deficient to highly-deficient, pH 6.5 (blue-green) to pH 4.5 (light yellow).
- Over half of adults tested have a pH 6.5 or lower, indicating aging and lifestyle defects.
- Cancer patients frequently have a pH 4.5, particularly when terminal.
- As a point of reference, most children have a pH 7.5.

Other acid-neutralizing minerals are Rubidium, Cesium and Vanadium. There are also several proprietary products available commercially, including oxygen-based products that are aimed at maintaining the correct pH balance in the body.

I hope that this brief insight into the importance of oxygen in the correct functioning of the body, plus its role in the prevention and treatment of cancer, will encourage you to further investigate this fascinating subject, crucial to your health. As always, you should seek the guidance of a professional medical practioner before taking any medications or undergoing any form of therapy.

Selasa, 22 September 2009

Detoxification Tips For Your Home Body Detox

Body detox at some clinics and spas can be incredibly expensive, and actually it may cost up to thousands of dollars based on the seriousness of the case. That is one reason why many people prefer to do their own home body detoxification, which is far more effective to their viewpoint, and less expensive too. Home body detox is in fact comparable to what a detox center will provide you. The discipline imposed on you to follow in the center, contrasted to the freedom you enjoy in the comfort of your own home, is the only dissimilarity.

Your body requires a cleansing detoxification at least once every six months, if there are too many toxins in your body or your body pH is too high, according to studies. A lack of cleansing your body's system can lead to many kinds of problems and illnesses. Specifically, when your pH is too high, the body becomes vulnerable to disease.

Disease may develop due to your bad eating habits, lack of exercise, too much sugar, salt, and caffeine, pollution in your environment, or a buildup of toxins in the intestines. Any and all of these will lead to the breakdown of cellular function; eventually after your body has given up trying to fight against it, you will fall sick.

Experts recommend you pay close attention to your food and liquid intake, and once in a while, detoxify yourself. A home body detox is not so demanding really, because it essentially does not entail any clinical or medical process. Home body detox is one of the greatest ways of keeping ourselves cleansed and vigorous, along with techniques like special diets, natural therapies and vitamin supplements. Home body detox has few if any side effects and is not harmful at all.

It is a simple process. The main organs involved in this home body detox are liver, colon, kidneys, and the blood and lymph systems.

For colon detox, you would simply consume more fresh raw fruits and vegetables, all varying in colors and types. Cutting down on meat and other unhealthy food will help a lot. Or sometimes, you can also take coffee enemas. The process takes place over an extended periods; typically between three to six months. For the liver, a higher level of green foods and drinks would be appropriate, with an addition of homeopathic detoxosode drops. Kidney home body detox includes adding the drinking of unsweetened cranberry concentrate to the existing food types.

Sabtu, 19 September 2009

Natural Health

Find Natural Health Schools in the United States and Canada. Natural health schools provide an innovative opportunity to learn current natural healthcare modalities. Students who are migrating toward an alternative healthcare education will find that natural health schools can teach them the necessary skills to compete in today’s job marketplace.

Natural health schools often provide comprehensive training programs geared toward self-healing and natural healing arts that may include but are not limited to acupressure, aromatherapy, color therapy, crystal healing, flower essences and essential oils, herbalism, homeopathy, ear candling, hypnotherapy, iridology, kinesiology, life coaching, massage, nutrition and many others.

Diversified, natural health schools will typically extend hands-on training in a variety of modalities, such as massage therapy, reflexology, yoga or Tai Chi - to name just a few. Some natural health schools afford students with the potential to earn certificates, diplomas and/or degrees. Depending on the particular course of study, students electing to participate in academic programs in natural health schools will find that the possibilities are virtually unlimited.

As the growing demand of natural and alternative healthcare is on the rise, students who select to register with one of a number of natural health schools will discover that career prospects could be quite promising. In many cases, natural health schools put forward a large array of courses that can easily fit into anyone’s lifestyle. Whether you have in interest in herbal medicine, massage therapy or acupuncture, there are an increasing number of natural health schools that can meet your educational expectations and needs.

If you are interested in enrolling in one of many natural health schools or would simply like to learn more about natural health schools, feel free to browse the Healing Arts Schools directory today.

Kamis, 17 September 2009

Barriers to Healthy Diets -- Removing them is not as hard as you think

Barriers to healthy diets are placed into four broad categories:
  1. External Barriers
  2. Psychological Barriers
  3. Physical Barriers
  4. Dieting Barriers
This article examines only the most difficult barriers in each category. Let's remove the barriers to healthy diets...but first, "What is a Healthy Diet?"

What is a Healthy Diet?

A healthy diet provides the recommended daily allowance for vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Any diet that fails to meet the minimum daily allowance for any nutrient is unhealthy. Of course, providing the daily allowance for all nutrients is next to impossible given the poor nutritional value of today's diets.

We eat on average 1.5 meals a day (not even close to the suggested 5-6 meals). The one meal we manage to eat is usually late in the evening, high in calories, high in fat, and is missing Group I Foods (fresh vegetables and fruit).

The majority of young men between the ages of 20-25 eat only 2 servings of fruit and 1 serving of fresh vegetables throughout the week! The next generation is nutritionally starved.

A healthy diet is quite simple and easy to follow. Here are the steps to eating a healthy diet:

  1. Eat 5-6 meals a day.
  2. Every meal should have a serving of lean protein, complex carbohydrate, and unlimited amounts of Group I Foods.
  3. Eat approximately 40-50% protein, 30-40% complex carbohydrates, and 30% fat everyday. Limit sugars, saturated fats, and trans-fatty-acids.
  4. Maintain a slightly negative energy balance or perfectly balance it. How do you accomplish this? Read the next few steps!
  5. Calculate your energy output everyday. Energy output is the Resting Metabolic Rate plus the number of calories burned through physical activity.
  6. Subtract your energy output from your energy input -- the number of calories you eat a day. The result is the remaining total energy and it determines your energy balance.
    If the result is a positive number, you have a Positive Energy Balance. Simply, cut back on the amount you eat.
    If the result is negative, you have a Negative Energy Balance. Increase the amount you eat.
  7. Make adjustments to energy input (the number of calories you eat a day) so that you'll remain with a slightly negative energy balance.
    Some weight loss experts advocate a strong negative energy balance at baseline. In theory, this makes sense but in practice it's associated with weight regain.
    I believe that energy should be balanced or slightly negative at baseline. The closer to a balanced energy state, the better the chance for avoiding weight regain and maintaining your ideal weight for a longer period of time.
  8. Do not cut back, slow down, or stop exercising. If adjustments need to be made, it's better to make dietary changes than to make changes to your exercise plan.
A healthy diet is simple to follow. Eat fewer calories, exercise, and make dietary adjustments as needed. No pills, supplements, acupuncture, magnets, or magic minerals are needed. Just a calculator.

Removing External Barriers to Healthy Diets

Two difficult external barriers are peer pressure and time. Our friends and family influence our lives more than we like to admit. They affect our decisions, choices, moods, behavior, and weight.

During medical school, I worked in a weight loss clinic to make some money. I will never forget the level of influence a spouse or friend could have on a patient. Several times, I saw first hand someone, other than the patient, make the dieting decisions.

At this level of influence, our peer groups can make a big impact on eating a healthy diet. Just keep this influence thing in mind. OR, should I say, "Keep it in mind only if you have TIME."

Time is another rarely acknowledged external barrier to healthy diets. We live in world that seems to lose time. The normal 24 hour day feels more like 15 hours. All we do is rush from one event or appointment to the next. Eating a healthy diet is next to impossible.

Please, slow down. Who knows, by slowing down we might actually pay attention to the important things in our lives. I find that the more I rush the less I get done. And what I do finish, really isn't all that important.

Be serious about eating a healthy diet and slow down.

Removing Dieting Barriers to Healthy Diets

About two to three decades ago, while watching repeats on TV, Americans changed their diets and started eating lots of fat and processed foods. We have suffered ever since.

Eating lots of fat created a macronutrient imbalance and has clogged our arteries. Then we fell in love with processed foods. This love affair drained all of the vitamins and minerals from our bodies and resulted in a micronutrient deficiency.

Until we restore things to the pre-TV Dinner diet, we will continue to suffer heart attacks and weight gain.

It's really crazy...we stuff ourselves with heavy fat and then starve for vitamins and minerals.

Removing Physical Barriers to Healthy Diets

Physically, our lack of exercise is the greatest barrier to healthy diets. Start exercising! Walk. Jog. Swim. Lift weights. Sweat. Move. Breath. Live.

Removing Psychological Barriers to Healthy Diets

The mind can be tough to control, especially when it comes to hunger. But what can help is changing your food perspective. Where do you place food in your life? To help you through this important change in perspective, check out...Weight Loss Psychology


Watch the influences in your life, slow down, reduce fat, eat raw vegetables and fruit, exercise, and change your food perspective.

Once you've done all that, then you can focus on eating a healthy diet. I think we need to get back the 24 hour day, what do you think?

To Healthy Living!

Michael A. Smith, MD

Chief Medical Consultant

Diet Basics Website

Rabu, 09 September 2009

Traditional Chinese Medicines

Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture continue to gain popularity among the American public for the treatment of diseases where mainstream medical therapies have had little success. Traditional Chinese medical treatments are based on the mystical belief that a cosmic energy called chi, flows through the human body and when its' flow is blocked the result is pain and illness.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (primarily herbs) and acupuncture restore the body's normal energy flow (chi) which results in illness being cured by allowing the body to heal itself. Acupuncture attempts to restore chi by inserting needles into specific points on the skin or on the outside of the ear. Although, traditional thought of as very safe, with few or no side effects a few medical authorities have recently challenged the long held belief that both methods are free of risk.

Surprisingly, there are a number of risks associated with acupuncture. Improper needle manipulation and handling can cause convulsions, localized infections, fainting, punctured lung and hematoma, which is localized bleeding that can shift along an organ's length. In addition, if the acupuncture needles are not properly sterilized, Hepatitis B can develop. A few other risks include nerve damage and skin diseases. However, like any medical treatment if performed by a trained physician / practitioner, many studies have shown that acupuncture is virtually risk free.

The standards of acupuncture and Chinese medicine have not been fully approved by the FDA but then again the FDA has shown a bias against natural methods of healing and so this fact shouldn't come as a surprise. Of course, acupuncture needles should not being used multiple times. Unfortunately, the attitude of many "traditional" doctors is that the certification process in becoming a certified acupuncturist is seen as a sham and that the whole field is more interested in making money by cashing in on the desperation of individuals who have not benefited from conventional accepted medical treatments.

As a result, the National Council Against Health Fraud has declared acupuncture an unproven method of treatment whose approach to healing are backward and unproven with the perceived positive benefits being nothing more than the result of the placebo effect and the patient's own expectations.

On the other hand, Chinese herbal medicine, unlike acupuncture herbal Chinese medicine has surprisingly found favor among some researchers. Studies have revealed that herbal medicines rarely evoke any adverse reactions. In fact, they are clearly much safer than the vast majority of most pharmaceutical drugs. Modern and traditional herbal formulas are now available commercially for those of most any physical condition and age.

Chinese herbal medicines are currently being used to treat a wide range of health issues from pain, psychological disorders, immunity, digestive and gynecological problems to allergic conditions, childhood illnesses, respiratory diseases and addictive disorders like smoking and alcoholism.

An extremely successful aspect of Chinese herbal medicine is that pregnant women can use most with virtually zero risk.

Source :

Traditional Arabic Herbal Medicine

Traditional Arabic or Islamic medicine became known in India, where it is widely practiced, as Unani-Tibb. "Tibb" is an Arabic word meaning "medicine," while "Unani" is thought to be derived from "Ionian" (meaning Greek) - acknowledging the influence of the early Greek healing traditions on this system of medicine.

The system dates back to the 7th century, when the Arab-Islamic world adopted the traditions of Europe as it expanded into areas that had been part of the Greco­Roman empires. Medical practice and theory were then dominated by the works of the Greek physican Galen (A.D. 130-200) who studied anatomy and made use of numerous drugs.

The Muslims who invaded India in the 11th century brought their medicine with them, and the system is prominent today, particularly among Muslims, in India and its surrounding countries. It owes most to the work of the 10th-century Persian physician Ibn Sina, known in the West as Avicenna. A follower of Galen, he considered the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health and developed a system of botanical medicine and dietetics for health.

Unani- Tibb has been influenced by Ayurvedic medicine, as well as influencing it. It is a holistic system that treats the imbalances that lead to disease and encourages the patient to adopt a balanced way of life. It incorporates the following concepts:

four elements, namely, earth and water (heavy) and fire and air (light)

nine temperaments, one equable (balanced) and eight nonequable and relating to hot, cold, wet, and dry

four humors, as in ancient Greek medicine - blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile - semigaseous vapors that maintain body fluids and balance digestion.

Source :

Selasa, 08 September 2009

Natural Ways For Healthy Skin

Over age, our skin changes too. Especially when over 4o years of age, the change is obvious. Therefore, we consider the treatment must start from now.

Are you frustrated with treatments that can no longer provide healthy skin? Today markets all over the world issue several types of drugs, pills and creams for various treatments. The market for Wrinkle Cream is getting bigger each day. Wrinkle Cream is one of the safest options to avoid such adverse effects in the skin. Wrinkle Creams containing both natural and chemical ingredients are available in the market.

The application of wrinkle cream on the face avoids internal complications. The cream reaches the internal layers through the pores present in the skin. Certain wrinkle creams can be applied frequently. More Nutritious and protein diets are mostly recommendable for a healthy skin. Ingredients such as Tretinoin reduce the cell metabolic rate. The agent minimizes the cell elastin and the absorption of protein, which reduces the development of body.

Certain wrinkle creams contain animal ingredients that give a medical effect to the skin. Hundreds of wrinkle creams are available in the market under various brands. Certain other external factors are also responsible for wrinkles. Sunburn, smoking, dehydration, severe environmental conditions etc are some of the causes.

Certain creams contain natural flavors and other herbal components, which is the secret for a healthy skin. These are highly recommendable by health organizations as they give a natural way of recovery. Using such types of products, the recovery can take some time but it gives a complete safety guarantee. Certain ingredients have multi efficiency act as a beauty agent as well as an antioxidant. These components not only cure the wrinkles but they also eliminate the dark marks, pigments by bringing more life to the cells. You need to look for ingredients like Coenzyme Q10, Cynergy TK and Phytessence Wakame which are completely natural.

If you want healthy skin it is always advisable to keep your skin clean that prevents the accumulation of disease. Proper balanced diet containing vegetables, fruits and plenty of water can help your skin. What is stooping you from adopting these healthy and successful remedies?

Jumat, 04 September 2009

Healthy Skin, Hair and Teeth - Benefits of a Healthy Diet

Healthy Skin

The skin is the largest organ in the body, and the most exposed. Most people don't take proper care of their skin - either due to hectic work or due to pure ignorance.

Vitamins A, C, E, selenium, and zinc are especially important to maintain beautiful and healthy skin. Foods that are rich in these vitamins and minerals include:






Citrus fruits





Olive oil


Sunflower seeds









This is just a partial list of foods rich in the vitamins and minerals you need for healthy skin. Foods and drinks you need to eliminate or reduce your consumption of include alcohol, sugar, and saturated fat. Coffee and tea should be limited to two cups a day.

Since the skin often mirrors the health of the whole body, eating a healthy diet provides you a healthy body and as an extra benefit, healthy skin.

Healthy Hair

Healthy hair depends on eating foods high in protein and certain vitamins and minerals. Inadequate protein intake over a lengthy period can force hair into the resting phase with shedding a few months later. Five amino acids are of particular relevance to hair growth - cystine, cysteine, methionine, arginine and lysine.

There a number of different specific hair vitamins and minerals that can play a major role in helping a person have a healthy head of hair. Vitamins necessary for healthy hair include vitamins A, B6, biotin, inositol, and folic acid. Minerals needed to good hair growth are magnesium, sulphur, silica and zinc.

Extra hair vitamins are likely to be needed if a person is generally unwell or is undernourished as their hair will show damage and may even stop growing. For example, brittle hair is an indication of iron deficiency while prolonged and severe hair loss can mean inefficient functioning of the liver or the thyroid.

Healthy Teeth

The health of your teeth and gums, the lack of plaque and debris, and the freshness of your breath can be a constant reminder of the status of your overall health. A healthy body generally means healthy teeth as well.

As with promoting healthy skin and healthy hair, eating healthy foods (such as lots of fresh fruits and vegetables) also helps encourage healthy teeth. These foods tend to help scrub the plaque off of our teeth before it can turn into tartar. It is tartar that can cause pockets in the gums where bacteria can take root and cause decay.

Vitamin C deficiencies can result in bleeding gums and loose teeth as well as mouth sores The Vitamin B complex is also essential to a healthy mouth as deficiencies can cause cracking and bleeding of the lips as well as open sores and lesions on both the inside and outside of the mouth.

Calcium is the super nutrient that keeps bones and teeth strong. Vitamin D is another important factor in keeping our teeth and bones healthy. Spending a total of about one hour each week in the sun will normally provide you all the vitamin D you need.

Besides causing other problems with our health, too much fluoride can cause permanent staining of our child's teeth. It can also cause brain degeneration and certain cancers. So be very careful to rinse completely after brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste and after a fluoride treatment at the dentist.


There's no way around it. The only way to have healthy skin, healthy hair and healthy teeth is to give your body the vitamins, minerals and protein it needs by heating a healthy and well-rounded diet.

Kamis, 03 September 2009

Low Carbohydrate Diet Revolution -- A History

Most people think of the Atkins diet when they hear the phrase low-carb. Indeed, Dr. Robert C. Atkins is the author of a number of low carbohydrate ketogenic diet books. The first one was published in 1972, and his pioneering efforts revolutionized the dieting world we see today. For everything that you hear; however, Dr. Atkins did not create low-carb dieting.

William Banting published pamphlets in the 1860s extolling the health benefits of the low carbohydrate diet he was put on by his medical advisor, Mr. William Harvey, F.R.C.S. The basic tenet of his diet was to consume as little as possible bread, butter, milk, sugar, beer, and potatoes due to his belief that these contained starch and saccharine matter, which tended to create fat. Mr. Banting found that his indigestion disappeared, his umbilical rupture was cured, he lost 50 lbs, his sight and hearing were surprising for a man in his 70s, he slept better at night, and he basically felt in better health than he had for the previous 26 years of his life. Mr. Banting revolutionized dieting in his time, and he received thousands of letters from readers thanking him and telling him how his low carbohydrate diet had changed their lives for the better.

The Johns Hopkins University and Mayo Clinic devised a diet to treat epilepsy in the 1920s. The diet requires high fat consumption and a low intake of carbohydrates in order to induce ketosis. They studied how the diet worked with children who were unsuccessful in treating their epilepsy with medication, and they found that 55 percent of the original patients remained on the diet and 27 percent had a greater than 90 percent decrease in their seizures. There were some children who had no seizures for two years while on the diet, and they appeared to be cured of the epilepsy even after stopping their low-carb ketogenic diet.

Walter Lyons Bloom and Gordon Azar did a study in 1963 comparing carbohydrate restrictive diets to fasting diets. They concluded that eating a diet adequate in calories, protein and fat, but deficient in carbohydrate, resulted in weight loss similar to that of fasting patients.

The first truly popular low-carb diet was popularized in the book The Doctor’s Quick Weight Loss Diet by Dr. Irwin Maxwell Stillman in 1967, and the low carbohydrate revolution began. The diet consisted primarily of protein sources like meat, fowl, fish and eggs while curtailing the consumption of carbohydrates to close to nothing. The book sold 2.5 million copies from 1967-69 and large numbers of people lost a lot of weight on this controlled carbohydrate diet.

Dr. Robert C. Atkins opened his practice as a cardiologist in New York City in 1960. When he was in his 30s and overweight, he ran across a 1963 article by Bloom and Azar. Their article said you do not have to go hungry to lose weight; instead, you can lose weight by cutting back on carbohydrates. This convinced Dr. Atkins to try the diet, and to his amazement it worked very well. After his success with the diet, he began recommending it to his patients and found that not only did they lose weight; other health problems they were fighting with either had greatly improved symptoms or went away completely. These included high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels, heartburn, diabetes, acid reflux, and arthritis. The vast majority of his patients also reported that they slept better, had more energy, got sick less often, and basically felt better overall.

Dr. Atkins published his original book, Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution, in 1972; however, the revolution was off to a slow start. His low carbohydrate diet countervailed what had been taught in the mainstream medical institutions and was attacked by the likes of nutritionists, dieticians, physicians, and the Journal of the American Medical Association; however, other doctors were also now aware of the connection between carbohydrates, disease and obesity.

In 1983 Dr. Richard Bernstein, a type 1 diabetic since the age of nine, opened his highly controversial clinic to treat diabetics with a very strict low carbohydrate approach to the disease. Bernstein’s ideas were ridiculed at first by the medical establishment, but the low-carb revolution picked up steam.

In 1992, Dr. Richard Heller wrote his first diet program called The Carbohydrates Addict’s Program for Success: Taking Control of Your Life and Your Weight, which blamed high carbohydrate consumption for the increased obesity being found throughout the USA. He found a fast growing audience for his ideas as the revolution continued to grow.

The first edition of Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution was published in 1992, and another came in 1999. These two editions sold over 10 million copies and the editions combined to become one of the 50 top selling books of all time.

The year 1999 was a breakthrough year for low-carb practitioners and the low-carb revolution steamed full speed ahead. Dr. Richard Bernstein published his book Diabetes Solution, and it was an instant hit selling upwards of a million copies. Today the latest 2003 Edition has a preface by none other than the president of the American Diabetic Society, quite a victory for a man who when he first preached his controlled carbohydrate approach to the disease was regarded as a crackpot and eccentric by the American Medical Association.

Also in 1999, Dr. Richard Heller teamed up with his wife, Dr. Rachel Heller and Dr. Frederic Vagnini to publish The Carbohydrate Addict's Healthy Heart Program: Break Your Carbo-Insulin Connection to Heart Disease, a newer version of his first book that documented very clearly the relationship between high carbohydrate consumption and the plethora of Syndrome X diseases as well as, of course, obesity. This book and several related ones by this group of authors sold and continue to sell millions of copies.

One low-carb diet; however, was much more successful and popular with the public than the others; that was Dr. Robert Atkins’ diet. Literally millions of people succeeded in losing weight and improving their overall health by following the programs put forth in Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution.

Dr. Atkins nutritional approach spread primarily by word of mouth as people successful on the diet introduced it to others. The medical establishment was stubbornly against the Atkins approach and tried their best to discredit it. The debate over the Atkins nutritional plan grew into a roar as millions tried and succeeded losing weight and improving their health while the experts claimed it was wrong and could not be done. The real testament as to the validity of Dr. Atkins’ program is that while a large majority of the medical & nutritional establishment claimed his diet was just plain wrong, the number of people following the program continued to grow at a faster and faster pace as successful individuals motivated and encouraged their friends and others to try the Atkins Nutritional Plan.

As more and more people found the diet worked for them, other successful low carbohydrate diets quickly followed such as The Zone, Sugar Busters!, The No-Grain Diet, and The South Beach Diet, to name a few.

The revolution took off at amazing speed when Dr. Atkins published an updated version of his book, Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution, in 2002. The new edition incorporated slight changes in his program based on his last 30 years of research. This edition of his book was soon followed by a plethora of published research findings validating the weight loss and health benefits of a low carbohydrate diet. Some people in the groups that previously attacked his diet were now considering the possibility that low carbohydrate consumption was a safe, effective way to lose weight and eat for life.

Now millions of people are doing Atkins, and the revolution has skyrocketed. Companies have begun putting out a myriad of low carbohydrate foods, which have quite literally flown off the shelves. More and more restaurants are providing low carbohydrate menus or net carbohydrate counts on their existing menu items. Even fast food companies have jumped on the bandwagon with low carbohydrate hamburgers, wraps, and breakfast bowls.

What the future holds for low carbohydrate diets is anyone’s guess. They have entered the mainstream, and the results of current research will certainly have a major impact on the continued acceptance of low carbohydrate diets. I am certain that Mr. Banting would be pleased to see the low-carb revolutionized world of today.

Rabu, 02 September 2009

About Women Health Supplements

Question: I want to get my health back on track. What kind of nutrients would you recommend I should look into in the area of women health supplements?

Answer: Great question! There are plenty of supplements out there that can be of great aid to women’s health. One problem that plagues women, especially later in life, can be the dreaded osteoperosis. Since your body needs a steady supply of calcium, if you do not meet your body’s calcium requirements, it will begin to sap the calcium from your body’s teeth and bones, leaving them brittle and weak.

To prevent this, a calcium supplement can be of great aid. Coral calcium is one product on the market that can help prevent this ailment. Harvested from long-dead sea beds, the calcium found in coral sediments can help to pave the way for clear health.

Antioxidants are also key parts in maintaining the health of both males and females. Helping to stop the damaging effects of free-radicals (highly reactive chemicals that capture electrons and modify chemical structures), antioxidants such as Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E may reduce the risk of cancer and muscular degeneration. Iron is also a key element that needs to be regularly consumed to help maintain the female body.

The body needs this mineral to produce red blood cells, and an iron shortage can result in anemia, a condition marked by a lack of red blood cells. Many of these simple minerals can help maintain your body’s structure and help lead you to great health. Some supplements even offer combined compounds that help to meet your daily requirements in a few of these categories.

I hope this article has helped you to learn more about your body and the things it needs to be working in its fittest form. Best of luck on your quest for nutrition!

Selasa, 01 September 2009

Spirulina, The Natural Nutrition That Benefits Your Health

Spirulina is a single-celled, spiral-shaped blue green microalgae grown in tropical salt lakes. This microalgae is discovered by Dr. Clement of France in 1962. Dr. Clement found that the Ganimou people living around Lake Chades in Africa had stronger bodies than other civilized people at that time, despite poor living conditions and few resources. Upon further studies, he observed that the Ganimou eats a particular blue green algae found floating on the lake's surface. This algae is spirulina. Such simple one-celled organism already exist when life first appeared on earth. They are the earliest forms of life and is the source of all life in the oceans.

Nutritional Values of Spirulina

So how nutritious is spirulina to the human body?
This algae is a highly digestible food, containing 60 to 70% of protein, and provides all the essential amino acids, which is a rarity among plant foods. It is so nutritionally balanced that it is 5 times easier to digest than meat.

Besides protein, spirulina is a rich natural source of Vitamin E and B12, iron, calcium, anti-oxidants,
minerals, carbohydrates and enzymes. Its rich phytochemical composition are carotenoids, chlorophyll (known as a blood purifier),
and phycocyanin. Phycocyanin is a blue pigment found only in blue green algae.
Experiments have shown that this particular protein can increase the survival rate of mice with liver cancer.
That means it can inhbits cancerous cells growth. It can also inhibit viral replication, and strengthen the humoral and cellular
arms of the immune system.

Anemia, a deficiency in red blood cells and/or hemoglobin, responds well to vitamin B12, folic acid and chlorophyll found
in spirulina. In fact, spirulina is the richest natural source of vitamin B12, once thought to be available only in animal products.
Not only that, a test have shown that stomach ulcers can be cured with 2 grams of spirulina intake per day, by coating chlorophyll onto the stomach lining.
Other diseases known to improve with the help of spirulina include liver disorders, such as chronic hepatitis, and diabetes.

Another important compound in this superfood is the Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA).
This essential fatty acid cannot be produced by our body, yet is important for
healthy bones, normal brain function, growth and development, stimulation of skin and hair growth and
regulation of metabolism such as lipid.

Furthermore, GLA in vivo changes easily to arachidonic acid, and then to prostaglandin E2. The end product can be
developed as a blood pressure regulating agent in our body.

An article written by Christopher Hills, Ph.D, D.Sc., titled "Spirulina as nutrition for the brain" says that
"the interesting part... is the remarkable effects of this vegetable plankton on our state of consciousness particularly
while fasting on nothing else... most people feel increased energy and clarity of mind after taking the Spirulina as a
vitamin supplement.

Other effects and uses of spirulina includes rejuvenation, increase of energy level, reduction of cholesterol, reducing body acidity,
cardiovascular support and detoxification. The soft cell walls of spirulina allows it to be digested easily and assimilated, making
it ideal for detoxifying.

Safe for Consumption

Spirulina is very safe for human consumption. In fact, it is not a new health supplement.
The Africans have consumed it decades ago and Mexicans now uses it to
replenish the inadequate nutrients in a mother's milk.
More than 70 countries have approved the super food as safe for consumption by their respective health agencies.
In an evaluation of spirulina by WHO in 1992, the organization states that:

Spirulina is a high quality food product. It is rich in iron and protein. It is safe to consume and is an excellent
nutrient supplement for children.

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