Senin, 11 April 2011

How to Prevent Diabetes With Healthy Eating

Modern lifestyle, who can mengelakkannya. This lifestyle has become a trend in many remote areas. Moreover, added the number of technologies and facilities that ease our lives. Of course this is a convenience package today. However, beneath it all, this lifestyle can lead to dangerous diseases. Look at how we run the activities of super-dense, low physical activity, and diet with excessive carbohydrate intake. This is the impact of modern lifestyle in which we live.

Prevalence of Diabetes Patients

One disease that is closely related to unhealthy lifestyle is a diabetic. Based on data from World Health Organization (WHO), more than 220 million people worldwide have diabetes. even 90 percent of patients with diabetes type two (diabetisi), the world's many problems related to excess weight and lack of physical activity.

Still from the WHO data, nearly 50 percent of cases of deaths due to diabetes occur below the age of 70 years, 55 percent of them occurred in women. In fact, the WHO predicts that the number of cases of death from diabetes will increase two times in the range of 2005 to 2030.

Meanwhile, the prevalence of diabetes sufferers in Indonesia has shown an increasing trend. An estimated 11.98 million people become diabetic. Additionally, estimates that about 50 percent PERSADIA diabetisi not yet diagnosed. This needs the attention and consciousness together.
Cause Diabetes

Risk factors for diabetes more common in families with a history of diabetes. On the other hand, excess weight (body mass index over 23 kg/m2), less physical activity, hypertension, or high-sugar diet low in fiber. For a less healthy consumption patterns, ie, with excess carbohydrate, also could be the cause. The Indonesian people commonly consumed carbohydrate foods.

We will feel safe to eat rice with potatoes or noodles as lauknya so early satiety. And indeed both the food equally so that the intake of carbohydrates and carbohydrates to be excessive. In addition, the habit of some communities in Indonesia who ate sugar contributed to the situation. In the morning drink a glass of sweet tea, lunch and afternoon rather drink a glass of sweet coffee. Then, after lunch, sweet pudding, and when a guest were treated to a glass of sweet syrup. If all of that is consumed in a day, so much consumption of sugar that could endanger health.
Healthy Eating

Changes in lifestyle towards a healthier can be done through increased physical activity through exercise and diet by reducing carbohydrate intake and maintain ideal weight. Therefore, we certainly need to be very clever to choose the type of carbohydrate also for the amount. Avoid excessive consumption of simple carbohydrates. For example, sugar, honey, syrup, jam, soft drinks and sweet snacks. For the intake of sugar, preferably not more than five percent of total daily calories.

Instead, multiply the consumption of complex carbohydrates such as grains, tubers, sago, fiber, and naturally there is sugar from fruit, vegetables, and milk. The principle is recommended that the diabetisi mengasup nutrients carbohydrates, fats, and proteins as much as 45-65 per cent respectively, 20-25 percent and 10-20 percent of total calories in food a day.

To measure the amount of carbohydrate intake, you can use the Idaho Plate Method or Zimbabwe Handjiwe recognized health experts. Another ideal way is to use food products are mentioned clearly the amount and type of nutrients contained in it.

Thus, how to prevent diabetes with healthy diet, do not have to be expensive. Actually, to be introspective carbohydrate consumption and regular exercise is enough to fight diabetes.

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