Jumat, 08 April 2011

Tips to Know Hidden Benefits of Pods

Skin not only beautify the appearance of the fruit but also rich in nutrients. Did you know that Menyeantap fruit with the skin can menghidarkan you from the problem of wrinkles and skin cancer risk? How do you eat fruit habit, eat only meat or eating meat with the skin? There's nothing wrong with your eating habits your fruit. For some people, taste, fruit palinglesat is located on the soft flesh, sweet and juicy. Rarely do people who eat the skin. Yet according to Susan Percival, Ph.D., a nutrition scientist at the University of Florida, several types of antioxidants that are very useful for health actually 'hidden' in the fruit skin. Here are 5 rind which contains very useful for your health (more than content in pulp):

  • 1. Orange skin.

The meat of this fruit contain high antioxidant, mineral and vitamin C. Given the rough orange peel, if you need mengonsumisnya too? Yup! Because the outer skin layer of this fruit contain d-limonane, enemy number one ultraviolet light. Results of research conducted in Arizona mention eating a tablespoon of orange peel tek spoon every week can reduce the risk of skin cancer by 30%. No kidding it usefulness. You do not need to eat the skin as the main menu. Rather than push yourself that hard bite of orange peel and sour taste, it's better to be smooth orange peel slices, then sprinkle into your salmon fillets. Or enter it into a salad of orange slices

  • 2. Skin the Kiwi.

Imported fruit is also popular because it proved to have high efficacy for health. The advantage of this fruit is the best nutrient density compared to other fruits. That is the result of research by Dr. Paul La Chence published by the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Mengeandung amino acid arginine is efficacious to lower blood pressure. In addition to the high content of meat, fruit peel it proved successful dispel E.coli bacteria, the cause of stomach disorders. Kiwi fruit skin like caterpillars do not have appetite to eat to make you whole. You can work around this by making a smoothie. Or thin slices and mix into the slad. Or, select a super kiwi who have thinner hair.

  • 3. Cucumber skin.

Fruit is often found in the market contain linoleic acid which is very good as anticancer. Rind is also very good for beauty. Because, cucumber skin is made of silica, a mineral that the body needs to form new collagen, collagen skin to combat wrinkles and skin thickening. Some people advise you to consume at least 5 mg of silica per day, equivalent to one fruit or cucumbers with the skin. It is better you choose organic Cucumber. Because, cucumbers sold in the market are usually given a wax coating to enhance appearance and more durable. Views organic fruit is less pretty, but do not contain additives, making it more healthy.

  • 4. Eggplant skin.

Native Indonesian cuisine use a lot of eggplant. Did you know, the skin contained 300 mg nasunin eggplant-type of antioxidant that is useful to menceah damage brain cells. Also contains more than 200 mg of potassium which is useful for preventing cramps oot, 13 mg of magnesium that is useful to build the immune system, and 3 mg of fiber a powerful help to shrink the stomach is thick. You can eat eggplant for more comfortable, you could eat eggplant parmesan. After mixed with low fat cheese and sauce, of course his skin is not too bitter. The key, immediately after the meal is served, because if left in place the eggplant skin will feel increasingly bitter.

  • 5. Apple skin.

Very many fans of this fruit. There are various types and colors of apples. Have a distinctive taste. In one apple, many compounds that are highly nutritious for the body, namely vitamins, minerals, and other elements such as fitokimian, tannin, baron, tartar and other acids. If you've been eating apples just the meat alone, this time make it a habit to eat with the skin. Therefore, the research conducted at Carnell University showed that the skin of an apple contains phytochemicals - substances antidote to cancer, 87% more than the white flesh and sweet.

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